What can I do to makeover my porch , it’s an eye sore ?

by Eri33520806

I just recently bought a house and I don’t have any idea what to do with this porch, besides tear it down. Any make over ideas will be greatly appreciated!! Help!!

  8 answers
  • Why would you tear it down? Only if not structurally sound, which should have been discovered in the inspection prior to purchase. Looks like a great house that just needs a little TLC. What do you want to do with the porch? When I visit my friends in the south, we have porch parties! Do you need help decorating it?

    • See 1 previous
    • Do it up just like you would a patio. Tables, chairs, rugs, string lights, lanterns, battery operated candles. Pillows, maybe a throw or two handy for a chilly night. And a bunch of potted plants that can take low light. Set it up like a living room outdoors.

      First I would clean everything up and make it squeaky clean then start adding pieces as you acquire them. Shop end of season sales, garage or yard sales, thrift or second hand shops. Nothing needs to be expensive, nor does it have to be done now or all at once.

      Live there a bit, give it some thought, before making a decision.

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Oct 04, 2018

    Change the color to something lighter and match up the garage doors to same color.

    White would help show the porch better. It looks like it's screened in but I don't see a door. Also the drive looks unusable for parking on the side with the white door.

  • Sally Alter Sally Alter on Oct 04, 2018

    What a fab. house. Such a distinct character all it's own. Love it. I must be honest, I think I would just tear it down because the house would look much nicer without it. I don't really know what would look better, maybe a small porch outside where you could sit in a rocking chair, but I would still rather leave the house to its own devises.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Oct 04, 2018

    I love your new home! I also like Naomie's suggestions. Since it looks like there is a lot of woods around you, I wouldn't tear it down or you'll get eaten alive by bugs when you sit out there. There are actually a few things I would do to your house. Restain and seal the wood siding to protect it from the elements. Paint the trim around the windows and garage doors and the porch frame. Get matching garage doors. Build a more inviting set of steps going into the enclosed porch. Clear away the shrubs from in front of the porch and plant a pretty garden, maybe with a water feature. All of these things can be done over time. Enjoy your new home and make changes as time and money allow.

  • Cindy Cindy on Oct 04, 2018

    Hi Eri. I'm Cindy. I love your new house. It looks like it's in the woods. Boy, would I love that. I think you could make it great with paint. The garage doors should match. Whatever color you paint the garage doors, use that same paint on all the trim. Replace the screen if needed. By all means, keep that screen porch. I bet that screen porch will be used a lot. Spruce it up with rocking chairs, a table, lighting, or maybe a hammock for nap time. Have fun and make it yours. Wishing you well.

  • Jeanette Jeanette on Oct 04, 2018

    I think that the flatness of the porch roof is the real problem. If finances allow, I would have a new gabled roof of the same pitch of the other two on your lovely home.

  • Mindshift Mindshift on Oct 08, 2018

    This home likely had no porch originally, though it may have had a projection over the doorway like there is over the garage doors. The reason the roof is nearly flat is because adding more slope would have covered half the window openings above it. Code requires minimum headroom of 80" for doorways and ceilings, so I am guessing that the slightly taller roof area in front of the door was to accommodate steps into the house at the front door.

    IMO, it doesn't matter if you change the roof to a gable, or move the slope to the side. The windows will be in the way of adding any more slope. Your choice, as I see it, is to sacrifice the windows above this porch in order to increase the roof slope over the porch. Change the double window into a slider perhaps. Use a smaller window in the inset area. Of course, you would also need to redo the interior walls where these windows are. Any competent remodel carpenter could do this project. If you need a more complex change, I recommend you talk with an architect. Below is a picture of how your home could look.

    comment photo
  • Libby Libby on Jul 21, 2021

    Hi, love to see what you decided to do and pictures. Or if you’ve devised a plan though not yet executed it, would enjoy hearing what those plans are.