How to restain a deck?

by Rita

I stripped this desk too to reveal this crazy color and pattern. In wondering if this is left over stain, is it damaged or us this natural? Should I restain or show this off? Also, any idea what kind of wood this is?

  8 answers
  • Rita Rita on Oct 09, 2018

    And if you did stain, what would you use?

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  • That is the natural pattern of the wood, you can stain it but the pattern will still be there and it will always be slightly darken. For me personally I love to have those patterns I think it will turn out great. I do think if you are not that keen on the two tone. Stain the wood a darker colour to tone it down a little. Dark mahogany will be great.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 09, 2018

    Hi there, I agree with Anita, Natural! If you don't like it, Paint it again..........

  • Craft Invaders Craft Invaders on Oct 09, 2018

    I think the grain pattern looks beautiful. Personally I'd keep it and show it off :)

  • Lesa Goats Lesa Goats on Oct 09, 2018

    I love the natural wood grain . I would put some varnish or polyurethane on it . You could also put some pickle stain on it to give it some color but still see the wood grain . Have fun with it !

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 09, 2018

    That is the wood grain and I love it. I would seal it as is.

  • William William on Oct 09, 2018

    Looks like Tiger Wood to me. The grain is amazing. I would just use a clear UV sealer like Thompson's. If you want to stain the grain pattern would be more pronounced. If you don't want that much grain Then apply a sanding sealer or wood conditioner on it. Wipe off any access then stain with a UV deck stain.

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Oct 09, 2018

    I too would love a desk like that. Make sure the surface is absolutely smooth. Apply a couple coats of sealer and maybe a couple coats of bowling alley wax. Any drips can be removed with some steel wool after each coat. If you still don't like it after a few months you can always put a large desk calendar like they use in schools or buy a special scarf to keep the dust off.