Can a paper lamp shade be painted??

Kathy Del Tio
by Kathy Del Tio
  3 answers
  • Shirley Dudley Shirley Dudley on Oct 14, 2018

    Not quite what you mean by paper lamp shade? Must be fire retardant to be a lampshade. I used craft paint to paint two of my lamp shades but not sure what there made out of. Had to do couple coats with sponge brush An they turned out great. I added a embellished trim with hot glue gun.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Oct 14, 2018

    Yes I have spray painted quite a few lampshades. I find Rustoleum spray paint to be highly recommended for a professional results. Heres a recent project. On this example I sprayed the interior of the shade white and the outside a gray brown.

    Hope this helps.

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