How do I make rugs with canvas?

Evonne Okland
by Evonne Okland

Can I find how to make rugs with a canvas?

  4 answers
  • Vivian Vivian on Oct 29, 2018 There are many many more on Pinterest happy hunting.

  • Linda kelley Linda kelley on Oct 29, 2018

    I've done that. Here I made one from different yarns for texture. Here I made one from cotton materials.

  • Alice Alice on Nov 01, 2018

    I've never done this but I found an article on that shows how to do it...

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 04, 2018

    Hello Evonne,

    If none of the ideas above were what you were looking for, then you may want to up Rag Rug Making. You Draw your pattern onto the canvas, then buy a Rug making tool. Cut your fabric into oblongs 1.5" wide or so and about 5" long. Using the Rug making tool thread the fabric into the Canvas/Sacking and slip the two ends through the loop, and pull away to form a secure tuft! Proceed in this manner using your fabric colours to form your rug design. The Rug will soon appear before your eyes. It helps to attach each end of Canvas/sacking to a suitable length of timber and unwind it as you go along. Better still if you can make a frame to hold the canvas taught...........Have fun.