Need to downsize after retirement. Need to get rid of clothes!

by Mocha
  7 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Nov 03, 2018

    The best way is to take everything out of your closet that you have not worn in 6 to 12 months and sort it as you go. Have a box/bag for each of 3 types: sell, give to charity, throw. Then purge all in your closet that has not been worn for some time. Repeat the process if you have to until you are down to the amount you will need to keep. Do this for all drawers and containers that hold clothes/shoes. I hope this helps.

    • Mocha Mocha on Nov 03, 2018

      Thank you! This inspires me to get started. I have to work on detaching myself from favorite outfits!

  • Oliva Oliva on Nov 03, 2018

    Sell or donate, or place in consignment shops.

  • Judy Judy on Nov 03, 2018

    Donations are great. Or consignment shops too. You can even sell them online with letgo or facebook marketplace app.

    Homeless shelters, battered women shelters and you will get a. Receipt for tax deduction.

  • Betty Betty on Nov 03, 2018

    You can donate to a woman shelter or goodwill. .church takes donations and use for home less people. .you could try hard sale if you need extra money. .you will meet a lot of people. .Good Luck

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Nov 03, 2018

    Hi Mocha! I'm going through the same process right now. I am donating clothes that would benefit someone, because they are in good shape and useable. There are bins that are out for old clothing and shoes that are for recycling. You can also advertise the size or sizes on a freecycle or Facebook page.

  • User User on Nov 03, 2018

    call your Salvation Army they will be happy to fetch them. They do so much good benevolently.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Feb 28, 2022

    What I have found makes the task of cleaning out a closet or room, is to set a goal of filling only one trash bag. When the bag is full, tie it closed (out of sight=out of mind) and take it immediately to the nearest thrift store or drop off location. Do not leave the bags piled up as you will be looking at them all the time. The longer they sit around, the higher the risk that you will begin to open them up again.

    If you find that you have the energy to fill more than one trash bag, then go ahead, but if you set the goal at only one bag, your goal will be reached sooner, and you will be able to feel that you have made progress as you have eliminated another whole bag of clothes you no longer need.

    Taking the bag immediately to the thrift store/charity shop will get you out of the house giving you a physical break from what can be a fatiguing task.