Asked on Nov 14, 2018

How can I complete this Christmas lantern?

Wanda oliver
by Wanda oliver

I know I just posted this I thought this would give a better idea this will be probably a nautical Christmas theme on my foyer table with ships ect not sure yet this will be the centerpiece I feel looking like it needs something else on the outside at the very least ?I just hung Santa there not sure about that

  8 answers
  • Jmmm4 Jmmm4 on Nov 14, 2018

    Yes you need to add some greenery to it. You need to make it a little festive and then when Christmas is through you can remove the garland and redecorate for every holiday. I have many antique lanterns and decorate them every season and holiday. You can also add a nice neutral bow in the top? Or you can add some Xmas bulbs inside? Pinecones? The list is endless. Her are a few ideas 😊. Good luck.

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  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Nov 14, 2018

    The lantern is beautiful. I'd put some plain pine garland swirled around backside of table w/ lantern in center and then some nice plain shiny Christmas bulbs in red & green,different sizes in groups & set around by garland. Nothing to over the top so lantern is the focal point.Add some red& white candy canes in a tall clear glass, hang them on inside of glass with hook over the edge/lip of glass Happy Holidays!

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Nov 15, 2018

    If you are doing nautical, how about adding items to do with the sea. Add fishing net, shells, starfish( these can be glitzed up with spray paint if you want). Then add greenery and glass baubles.

    • Wanda oliver Wanda oliver on Nov 15, 2018

      Yes I was thinking the same I have a 5 gallon bucket of shells I need to use

  • Wendy Wendy on Nov 15, 2018

    Maybe add some beach glass and driftwood with a burlap bow

  • Elise Elise on Nov 15, 2018

    I’d add glittery starfish, some shells & perhaps some small pieces of drift wood.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Nov 15, 2018

    This is absolutely adorable! I agree with everyone who's chimed in. Greenery/pinecones and the like are a must for the holiday theme. Then you can 'fill in' with your nautical stuff. Santa is a hoot! If you can find a similar reindeer or elf, that would totally be cool. Then shells or a net, sparkly beach glass or those cute glass 'gems', and a beautiful bow. You're all set to greet your guests.

    • Wanda oliver Wanda oliver on Nov 15, 2018

      Thanks actually have several nice nautical ornaments no that you mentioned it I have a nice white porcelain sea turtle everything in our house is nautical we live lol be 20 minutes from the gulf and have been collecting for 42 years


  • Dl.5660408 Dl.5660408 on Nov 15, 2018

    Maybe you could attach your adorable Santa to greenery at the bottom of the lantern to tie it into the other things you’re going to add. You’re off to a great start!

  • Betty Davies Betty Davies on Nov 15, 2018

    To keep with the nautical theme...I think the greenery should be sea weed. I was also thinking if you keep the santa, you should add other sea creatures, maybe a mermaid, and dress them in holiday colors or Santa hats.