How do you stain a door?

by LilMama
  5 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Dec 09, 2018

    If it is painted you will need to sand well...then stain.

  • LilMama LilMama on Dec 09, 2018

    Thank you so much it's great appreciated

  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Dec 09, 2018

    First, the door has to be raw wood; no stain or paint on it. Sand it to 120 or 150-grit sandpaper. Some people would argue that you should sand it to 220-grit but using sandpaper that fine tends to close the pores in the wood and it doesn’t accept the stain as well.

    Put out on a pair of rubber gloves and apply the stain with either a foam brush or a clean rag. Allow the stain time for it to be absorbed into the wood. The longer you let it sit the darker it will be, but it will only darken so much. Once you are happy with the results wipe off the excess stain and allow it to dry. Apply your topcoat and you’re done.

  • Hello! It's easy to stain with Dixie Belle!

    Step one: Clean well with White Lightning

    Step two: Apply our No Pain Gel Stain or VooDoo Gel Stain to your surface

    Step three: Use Gator Hide for a water-repellent finish

    This YouTube video shows how to apply our No Pain Gel Stain around the 19:44 minute mark

    Our stains come in a variety of colors to suit your project!

    If you ever need help or have any questions you can feel free to call us at 813-909-1962 during business hours. We have a full staff here eager to help you!

    We have an awesome group on FB that gives you all kinds of help if you are interested. click here to join: