Is this plant a succulent?

by Joanna

Is this a succulent plant? If so, can the leaves be propogated? What is the best method to do this? Leave them just be on an egg crate or in soil? Do you have any suggestions? Also at the top of this long stem- there were little bushed endings (not sure how to describe them). Can they be seeds? I put in a egg crate also.i would appreciate any information that can be shared.what is the name of the plant is a good start thank u

  17 answers
  • This is definitely not a succulent. I have seen this plant before, but not absolutely certain of the correct name. Anything can be propagated if done correctly. Succulents will root on their own, this might not. You can get rooting hormone and that will give you a better chance. I would place it in a pot with fresh soil to give it a chance.

  • Lizbeth Lizbeth on Dec 11, 2018

    Doesn't look like a succulent to me either. My best guess is that it's some sort of dracena. It doesn't look all that healthy. I agree with Naomie repotting might be in order. Don't use a pot that's too big. Dracena can be sensitive to salt build-up in soil so periodically flush the soil with water and never let the plant sit in a saucer of water for more than a few minutes. It's a good idea if you have "city water" to let it sit overnight so the chlorine can dissipate before watering the plant (not a bad idea for any plant.) I'd probably hold off on trying to propagate until spring. It looks like a plant best rooted from a cutting, definitely not from a leaf.

  • Trudy Trudy on Dec 11, 2018

    Can I see a pic of the top of the plant?

  • Kat Rogers Kat Rogers on Dec 11, 2018

    No, it doesn't look like a succulent. What it Does look like is an unhealthy Corn Plant. I'm not certain about its likes & dislikes as far as water & light, however I think it looks like it's too wet and had too much direct sun as one of the leaves looks kind of burnt on the end. I must admit though that my tablet does not have very good quality available for photo viewing. That ALL being said, I am still pretty certain that IT is a Corn🌽Plant!

    I trust I've been helpful.

    Happy Holidays!


  • Mom22394766 Mom22394766 on Dec 11, 2018

    I think it is a dracaena and I believe you can cut a healthy piece of stem and just put it in dirt. Or you could put it in water until you get roots then pot it. A small pot is best. If you want a large plant then when it gets too big for the small pot change to a larger. Plants usually grow as big as the pot they are in.

  • Carole Peterson Carole Peterson on Dec 11, 2018

    This plant is a succulent .

    • Bobbi Perreault Bobbi Perreault on Dec 11, 2018

      I think so too. It looks like a succulent which has stretched because of a light level that's too low.

  • Ann Edmondson Ann Edmondson on Dec 11, 2018

    This is not a succulent. It is definitely not a healthy plant. I am not sure of the name. But I had one similar to it before I moved across the country. You are showing signs of root-rot (brown leaves and sagging). The plant needs to be gingerly transferred to a larger pot with fresh soil. Using potting soil with Miracle Grow would be best. After about 6 weeks you can then trim the leg (the tall portion of the plant) to be transferred to a different pot with the Miracle Grow potting soil. The reason I reccomend Miracle Grow potting soil is that it already contains nutrients and it will maintain the soil balance needed for a healthy plant. When watering your plant use one cup of Miracle Grow solution (diluted according to the instructions on the box). Be sure to not water more than once a month in the winter and twice a month in the summer. I hope this helps and your plant returns to health soon.

  • If the leaves are thick it could be an orchid - it is in an orchid pot If it is an orchid it would explain why it looks unhealthy they do not like potting soil, but need orchid bark

  • Grandkids Grandkids on Dec 11, 2018


  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 11, 2018

    It is succulent Kalanchoe family. Yes you should be able to start either from leaves or by breaking off stem.The leaves will be harder to get started because it's hard to get them seperated correctly from stem with enough of base to get needed parts to be intact.Just place leave/stem into loose dry soil you can use the egg carton if it's cardboard even better then spritz with water/sprayer at base don't get too wet dryer soil will be better it should start in about 5-10 days.when the little plant is bigger you can seperate it from leaf and transplant into pot or might be better to leave intact on leaf then just plant it it will eventually die back. OR you can break/cut stalk off and stick directly into soil your other plant is in. Your plant looks healthy so it's got good growing medium it'll start in 7-10 days. It's sounds like it's blooming/bloomed so you must be doing something right. Don't transplant it. Try to keep from bruising/snapping off healthy leaves by not bumping it. You can try to start seeds in loose drier soil bright light barely cover with soil, they just fall off of plant in natural conditions,but sometimes lie dormant long time before they are washed away to grow elsewhere. JUst give your plant some water soluble Miracle grow 2x a year it mixes in water so just give it to plant one time while watering.I'd leave it alone it looks healthy maybe try to start a leaf or 2 you could even try some of the leaves that are dying from bottom

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 11, 2018

    I would take a closer up picture of one of the healthy leaves and the flower if it is still present and take it and this picture to a local greenhouse and they may be able to identify it correctly for you. Is it the same as the smaller plant in the same pot?

  • Jli20016883 Jli20016883 on Dec 11, 2018

    I agree with Lynn, it is a succulent from the kalanchoe family - I have one. It is not getting enough light, possibly too much water. I also agree with Nancy - take it to an expert for specific name and care or go to the library and research in botany.

  • Jana Miller Jana Miller on Dec 11, 2018

    This is a Tear Drop succulent in the kalanchoe family, I’ve had one for about 40 years. It will bloom and it produces babies on each zigzag on the leaf. When the leaf falls off, just stick the end into the soil leaving the leaf flush with the soil. Do not over wate. If your plant is turning red, it is sunburnt. It does require bright light - does great under a shade tree. It is a wonderful plant to teach young children about plant life. Enjoy!

  • I am very sure it is a Dendrobium orchid.

    comment photo
  • Sue Sue on Dec 11, 2018

    You can take this plant to your local plant nursery and they will know for sure.

  • Lizbeth Lizbeth on Dec 12, 2018

    I answered earlier I think it's a dracena (same family as "corn plant" but I think it's a smaller variety.). If it is a succulent as many are suggesting, the leaves will be thick (as in "succulent" :)) These leaves don't look thick at all to me but maybe the picture is misleading? The other reason it doesn't look like any of the succulents people have mentioned is the appearance of the stem. Succulent leaves-- at least those people have named-- can be snapped off cleanly from the stem. These leaves look like they grow sort of surrounding the stem kind of in a whorl. I'm sure a garden center could name the plant (but probably not from this photo)

  • Lydia Weikel Cox Lydia Weikel Cox on Dec 12, 2018

    WOW!! You sure got a mix of answers! Yes/no it is a succulent! Is a Kalanchoe/ is a dracaenea/ is a corn plant! Is unhealthy/is healthy! I think the suggestion to take to a greenhouse (not a big box garden center—-a REAL greenhouse) for identification is a good one. Alterntives would be a local garden club or a Master Gardeners group. They can also advise on soil, watering, fertilizers & preferred environment based on its identification. To me, the picture looks like a Kalanchoe I was given from a Mississippi outdoor garden. There are MANY types with different leaf shapes & other characteristics. I made many starts from the original but some babies grow different from the Mama!! Sometimes I’ve gotten a long stem from low light or too much water as was suggested. When the tall stem is not sturdy enough on its own, it can flop & damages leaves/stems. I’ve taken a wood dowel stake & clipped or tied the stem to it for support. I’ve also cut/broken off a tall stem. Looks like you have a cluster of new plants coming along at the base. I’d probably cut the tall stem off at a diagonal near the soil, then remove a few leaves with no cuts or bruises or spots, let sit in a dry place 24-48 hrs, maybe longer. Next dip leaf ends from the stem ends in Rooting hormone & lay leaves on top of soil just barely damp, with stem ends just touching soil. Mist soil so barely moist. If root hairs appear in 1-2 weeks, those leaves can be placed 3/8” in potting soil where a hole was punched, then backfill & gently tamp soil around leaf. Keep in bright but not direct light til Spring, keeping soil barely moistened by misting. By Spring or Summer you should see some new growth or developing roots. The long stem ought be cut near the top where healthy leaves are closer, leaving about 1 1/2-2” stem below leaves. Let sit out of soil 1-2 days, then plant as for individual leaves. The flowers of Kalanchoe are bush-like, usually in bright yellow, orange, deep pinks or hot reds. Some have yellow centers in ea flowerlet, usually blooming in Nov-Mar naturally, depending on the variety. All this is based on it being a Kalanchoe!