How might I fix up old formica covered counter tops?

by Toby

I can't afford to tile or replace with granite or some such. The formica was put on in the 60s. It is stained in ways that cannot be cleaned because it turns white when chemicals are used or scrubbed. It is blue now. What can I do? Paint might flake. It needs to be extremely cleanable since it is where food is prepared. Any good ideas?

  9 answers
  • Jackie Jackie on Jan 01, 2019

    Try Daich countertop kit. It should adhere to the formica just fine and create a layer of granite like stone. Great selection at their online store.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jan 01, 2019

    You can ceramic tile over it. Get tile very cheap at places like Habitat

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 01, 2019

    Hi Toby, I painted mine and they held up great!

    Lightly sand to rough the countertop up

    Go to your paint store, tell them what you are painting, they will pick the proper paint and primer for you, you can even get the primer tined for a better coverage

    Once you have sanded, clean with TSP, them rinse and dry thoroughly,

    Apply your primer coat, let it dry according to the instructions

    Once the primer coat is dry, apply your paint coat, I would apply 2 or 3 as it will be stronger and thicker

    Once your coats dry, you can apply a matter clear coat, either by spry or roll on, keep a small container of it under your sink for touch ups, I had my counters like this for 12 years, until I could afford new ones.

    I used a few uncolored glass cutting boards for protection. It held up very well. And only costs you the prices of the materials.

    Good luck!

  • Agstone Agstone on Jan 01, 2019

    There is epoxy paint that works. Try paint stores or home depot

  • Beach girl Beach girl on Jan 02, 2019

    I used the Rust-Oleum countertop paint kit over my laminate counters. It comes in several different colors, and it is around $80 for the entire kit that includes everything you need.

  • Barbara Barbara on Jan 02, 2019

    I have painted formica and it worked quite well but before spending $80 check into replacing with a new laminate. You might be happier getting exactly what you want rather than a temporary fix.

  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on Jan 02, 2019

    Rustolium Counter Top Paint is GREAT. I did mine over 10 years ago and they are just now beginning to show wear. Its only $20 a quart but a quart is plenty. I have over 25 feet of counter top and one did it all. Follow instructions closely. Do on a day you can have the windows open.

    The only disappointment is that it can only be mixed in limited solid colors. But, I'm SO glad I painted mine! EASY, EASY! ONE COAT!

  • Colleen Baugus Colleen Baugus on Jan 03, 2019

    I live in a small apartment and my counters were bad. I went to my local dollar store and picked up some contact paper and put it on my counters. before and after. It's a cheep way to cover the counter top. you can change it up if you get tired of it. so cheep.

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  • Don & DiAnn Don & DiAnn on Jan 04, 2019

    I'm the caretaker/mgr of a housing complex and prep apartments for new tenants and sometimes there stains that cleaners fail to remove. Try cleaning with TSP (trisodium phosphate), available at hardware stores. Mix as directed and use a Scotchbrite scrubbing pad, with a little elbow grease you'll be amazed what stain can be removed which other cleaners can't touch.