How do I make a mirror sunburst?

Mirror sunburst

  4 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 01, 2019

    Hi Cheryl,

    Fix circular mirror to backboard (Preferably round allowing enough for fixing the sun rays to it. Fix them either front or back according to choice- or just clip them on all around frame if using washing line pegs............

  • Hi Cheryl, I've always loved the ones made with spoons...

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Jan 02, 2019

    I made one with kebab sticks, and lace bobbins.

    Start with a round piece of stiff card or wood, I used a cake board, it needs to be smaller than your mirror. Make sure there is a hole in it or if it's wood fix a hanging plate.

    Then take what you are using as the sunburst and arrange around the base. Once you are happy with arrangement, you can stick them down with the appropriate glue. Then put the mirror onto the top with appropriate glue. If you want to spray paint the sunburst, do so before fixing mirror.