Can fertilizing Roses too early be harmful?

by Kenny
  3 answers
  • Depends on where you live and how much it was fed. The worst that can happen is that they push out leaves that can freeze if you live in a cold snowy climate, that can be trimmed off. Where I live in zone 9, it will just force them to leaf out and not detrimental. Typically fertilizing is done throughout the growing season and stop in fall to let the plant rest and go dormant. It will not kill the bush, if that is what you are worrying about.

    • See 1 previous
    • So welcome Kenny! Too soon to prune them here yet. Watch the weather. I typically prune in late January to early February and have my first blooms by Easter. I live right behind Six Flags Magic Mountain. Mine are still blooming. It does freeze up here occasionally, but not for long.

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  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jan 14, 2019

    I doubt it. If it was liquid fertilizer, you should be fine. If it was pellets, you should be fine as long as you watered well after applying.

    • Kenny Kenny on Jan 14, 2019

      thank was pellets.....and it's been raining steady for the past couple day's...and two more days of rain expected.... I live in Orange County , Calif...and usually cut them back in January....but haven't yet...

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jan 14, 2019

    I was just in Orange County last week on vacation...lucky, lucky you!!!!

    Came back home to "sunny" South Jersey Friday to 24 degrees......brrrrr! Now WE have to worry about our roses!

    Hopefully I'll get back to your perfect climate one day...and stay!