How to paint kitchen cabinets?

by Betty

How is the best way to paint my kitchen cabinets? What paint is best? I’m going from a caramel brown to white or off white.

  4 answers
  • After your cabinets are cleaned and dry, primer them with a good bonding primer like THIS ONE. It will adhere to any cabinet surface, wood or laminate and dry quickly and smoothly. Then you can paint 2 coats of good quality latex paint over it. HERE you can read some painting tips I recently wrote about along with my recommendation of which latex paint I've been super happy with.

  • William William on Jan 14, 2019

    How to Paint Cabinets

    Make sure they are clean and dry. Remove the doors and hardware. Mark the doors and cabinets with tape where they go. Lightly sand the doors and cabinets to remove any gloss and roughen the surface for paint with 220-grit sandpaper. Use a tack cloth or damp rag to remove dust after sanding. Prime with a stain blocking primer like KILZ. Acrylic, or water-base, paints are low-fume and clean up easily with water. Alkyd, or oil-base, paints require good ventilation because the paint contains solvents that can irritate your lungs and make you feel sick. Alkyd options require mineral spirits for cleanup, but they provide a hard, durable paint finish. Whichever you use, buy the best-quality paint you can afford for a lasting kitchen cabinet finish. Seal with at least three coats with a water based polyurethane. Use a small foam roller and foam brush for a smooth finish.

  • Pamela Pamela on Jan 15, 2019

    Hi ! I painted my cabinets a couple of years ago. I did a lot of research on types of paint and the whole process. I was looking for a paint that would hold up well in a kitchen environment, then the ease of use. I found 2 solutions that would let me skip the sanding and primer steps ! One was to use a chalk paint and then seal it with a hard drying wax or the other option was to go with a newer hybrid type of paint , that combines the ease of soap and water clean up of an acrylic and drying to the hardness of an enamel . I went with the second choice , it is called advance paint by Benjamin Moore . About $40 .

    Step 1- clean the cabinets with Krud Kutter de glosser from home depot $6.

    Stay it on & wipe off , it will get years of oils , grease and polishes off !

    Step 2- take off doors , marking them with their placement , also bag the hardware for each door in veggies , marking them as well , this will make your life so much easier when it comes time for putting the doors back on .

    Step 3- paint ! ( NO SANDING OR PRIMER ) I used 2 coats , I painted oak cabinets a soft white.S

    Step 4- put the doors back on !

    I am very happy with the quality of this paint !!! Easy to wipe clean & they look great ! You can see my step by step tutorial on this hometalk site. Look for :

    Kitchen re do from ugly 1970's to vintage cottage . Good luck !!!

  • Hello Betty! I can tell you how to paint your kitchen cabinets with Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint! :)

    It is super easy to paint with Dixie Belle:

    Step one: Clean with White Lightning

    Step two: If the surface is slippery, apply two coats of Slick Stick

    Step three: Paint one to two coats of Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint

    Step four: Use Gator Hide for a water-repellent finish

    I am attaching some kitchens that have been painted with Dixie Belle Paint so you can see the outcome.

    Also, we did have a series of LIVE videos on a step by step tutorial of how to paint your kitchen cabinets. If you would like to watch them....

    Day one:

    Day two:

    Day three:

    Day four:

    If you ever need help or have any questions you can feel free to call us at 813-909-1962 during business hours. We have a full staff here eager to help you!

    We have an awesome group on FB that gives you all kinds of help if you are interested. click here to join:

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