How do I plant avocado seeds?

Katie Parfait
by Katie Parfait

I am trying to grow avocados. Can avocado seeds be planted directly in the soil, and what side down into soil?

  3 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Feb 16, 2019

  • Em Em on Feb 16, 2019

    That will take forever but yes. The outer brown covering has to split and soaking in water for a few weeks does just that. Make a tripod of toothpicks and poke into the bottom of the pit. The bottom is the fatter end. Pointier side is the top. Put in a jar and keep covered to the top. The pit will eventually split and a root will start at the bottom. When it has a root the top will sprout. That is the best time to plant. Some people plant right after it splits and you can see a nub of a root in the crack of the pit at the bottom.

    • See 1 previous
    • Em Em on Feb 18, 2019

      Some take much longer than that. I used to grow them regularly but now have a really hard time getting one to even sprout a stem. I have to think it is the way they are grown or what is used on them or if they are irradiated.

      I have talked to others with the same problem. The brown shell has to split before the root can come out. I have tried to help them along but don't pull the two half apart when they do split and start to root. Everytime I did that, nothing grew. Just keep the seed watered to at least within a half an inch from the top of the seed. Be patient.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 18, 2019

    You can start avacados in water. Put 3 toothpicks in it to hold it half in and half out of the water until it gets a good root system, then transplant it in soil. Change the water 2 times a week until the roots are well established and give it good sunlight.