How to save this rose?

This is a rooted rose cutting from last summer. I brought it inside for the winter, as by the time it developed roots it was too late to plant here in Zone 3. It was doing great until a month ago; now it is dying. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? TY

  5 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 23, 2019

    It looks like you have a spider mite problem. You have webs on the stems and leaves and it is a severe infestation. Spray the whole plant with 40 parts tepid water and one part dish liquid, let sit for 15 minutes and then rinse to get rid of it. The leaves will probably fall off but if the roots are still good they will leaf out again. Place in subdued light but not full sun while this process takes place. Watch carefully for any new infestation and repeat the process, probably within a week of the original dousing. Be sure to get under the leaves and all over the plant when spraying.

  • Cristine Meixner Cristine Meixner on Mar 23, 2019

    TY. I can't even see the webs. Time to get the cataracts fixed, I guess.

  • Carroll Carroll on Mar 23, 2019

    If this is indoors throw it out.

    • Cristine Meixner Cristine Meixner on Mar 23, 2019

      I would but I have been trying to propagate this rose for two years. Every other attempt failed.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Mar 23, 2019

    it is infested with Spider mites really bad!! strip it all off(leaves)and dip stems in dawn dish soap then wipe & rinse them off really well cut off any dead stems and try to save what is left. you better check any other house plants/plants these have been around;the dead leaves and mites are sucking the life out of the stem & what roots are trying to grow

  • Carroll Carroll on Mar 23, 2019

    Mites will travel from plant to plant. Try again this year.

    before plants are brought inside they have to be inspected very carefully as I have always had a problem with mites. Always check the plants you buy grocery store, etc I have brought them home before.

    ask your nursery how to fumigate any plant coming inside from outdoors.