How to make a barn door using plywood?

by Kim

How can I ? Barn door w/o the barn. I want to make a door using plywood to hang on a barn door mechanism. I want to use the plywood and then tack canvas on it so I can paint it. So it will have to be framed out. Please advise

  4 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 08, 2019

    Hello Kim,

    Make your Frame and Stretch canvas on top first. Fix battens to the barn door

    so as to be able to rest top and bottom and side battens within the Canvas framework. To secure use a timer trim to your taste. Hope that helps.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Apr 08, 2019

    Here's a video that might help you -

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Apr 08, 2019

    Cut the 1/2 to 5/8 inch thick plywood to the size you require. Purchase the brackets for the top at your local hardware store. You will also need the track double the length of the door opening so it can slide over to open. Purchase a small wheel apparatus for the bottom corner of the door and a special stopper for the door to slide through with the wheel. Cover the door with whatever you have in mind or paint or stain it. If you decide to paint, use the good one side plywood so that you get a nice finish. You can add a moulding to the outside sides and bottom.

  • TheHoneycombHome TheHoneycombHome on Apr 08, 2019

    Here is how my husband built one for our daughter's room: