How do I keep bugs out of my garden?

Bonnie McLane
by Bonnie McLane
  4 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on May 08, 2019

    Use old-fashioned newspaper-and-straw thing, which holds in moisture, prevents most weeds, cuts way down on bugs, and gives you very nice non-muddy surface to stand on after it rains. It also feeds the soil and can be dug into the dirt at the end of the season. Take ordinary newspaper, but not any of the glossy ads or comics pages, and spread it out right on the dirt, covering everything except the vegetable plants themselves. Then hose it down lightly -- not lots just enough to settle the paper and keep it from blowing! Then Ispread a layer of ordinary straw on top of the newspapers, and water it down, too. And that is it! Very few bugs, almost no weeds, and food for the garden.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on May 08, 2019

    what kind of bugs? what kind of garden? if you kill them all you won't have any bugs to pollinate the plants you are growing /trying to get veggies & fruit from.

  • Jacqueline Jacqueline on May 09, 2019

    Sevin plant spay.

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  • Donna Donna on May 09, 2019

    Diatomaceous earth works good for some bugs. Use Food grade as it isn't toxic to pets or humans. Just wear an air mask and gloves with long sleeves and pants as it can irritate lungs and skin. Keep pets away while dusting.