How to keep ants out garden?

by Sherrie
  5 answers
  • 17335038 17335038 on May 13, 2019

    Your question sounds rather like asking how to keep fish out of water......

    What is your aim in hoping to do this? What type of garden do you have?

    Are the ants causing some kind of problem?

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 13, 2019

    Unless they are causing problems, like eating your plants, they may be beneficial in helping keep the garden clean of little nasties that will cause harm to your garden. If you really want to eliminate them, find their mound, pepper it heavily with sweetened cornbread and muffin mix, it is real cheap. They go for the sweet, but can't digest the corn meal and it kills them. If the mound or ants are real large, it may take a few applications. The most I have ever had to do is three on a really large mound of really big black ants that my neighbor couldn't get rid of. While she was on vacation and we were taking care of her plants, I got rid of all the mounds I could find for her as a surprise. She couldn't believe that they were all gone! Just apply as long as you see activity on the mound, disturb it if you have to. This will not eliminate ants from your yard or garden, as they are a part of nature and more will come, but it will help, just watch for their homes.

  • Alice Alice on May 13, 2019

    How to Control Ants in Your Garden

    1. Get rid of aphids and other sap-sucking pests. ...
    2. Distribute artificial sweetener near the ants. ...
    3. Sprinkle ground cinnamon or cayenne pepper around your plants. ...
    4. Place food-grade diatomaceous earth by trails and nests. ...
    5. Set a borax (or boric acid) and sugar poison trap.

    More items..

    comment photo
  • Dory Stewart Dory Stewart on May 13, 2019

    Is there an anthill near by? In Japan, they dig it up and move it... Or, you can check online how to 'kill' the 'hill'

  • I use packaged cornbread mix that says it is sweetened and put it where they are. They will take it to the mound, everyone will eat it and die, they can't digest the cornmeal, but will take it because it is sweetened. Little goes a long way.

    I read this from : Itsmemic

    Medicated powder from the Dollar Tree. It has eucalyptus in it...menthol...I puff it around my homes foundation..and inside under my birdcages in the cracks under moldings. Work immediately and they never come back. I do this at the first sign of one day..GONE. The powder is in a very large container and lasts quite awhile too !! And smells great !

    Not toxic to my birds OR dog

    What if you make a barrier around the house.

    I did some research, since we know what works for one person doesn't always work for another. I found this site and it's pretty informative. I know some tips you may not be able to use but there are some good ones also that will hopefully help.

    Ants are so weird. One time I found them inside the freezer in the garage!! What would possess them to go inside a freezer only to die? They must have sent signals back or something ~ there were no ant trails only a freezer full of dead ants. Hasn't happened since.

    Ant Spray -

    oatmeal and koolaid . cant digest the oatmeal. Good Luck ?!