What is wrong with my bonfire patio peach tree?

by Jo

Last year it did this after a cold spell in early Spring. This year it hasn't been cold like that. It didn't get many flowers this year and then the leaves just curled up and did this.

  4 answers
  • Jerry roselli Jerry roselli on Jun 02, 2019

    Your peach tree has a fungus that needs to be sprayed,...see your garden center re: which spray. Do NOT spray until leaves fall off. The fungus will also cause peaches to turn black. Difficult situation,...might require several sprays,...springtime,...& fall. Good luck.

    • Jo Jo on Jun 02, 2019

      Can the fungus spread to my rose bushes and other garden plants?

  • Gtr24334952 Gtr24334952 on Jun 02, 2019

    I always was told it was called curly leaf and needs to be sprayed. If leaves are left on remove them. Do not not Put in your compost as I will spread to other fruit trees. Good Luck

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jun 03, 2019

    Fungi can spread. It is caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans and can affect the blossoms, fruit, leaves and shoots of peaches and nectarines. Peach leaf curl is the most common disease found in backyard orchards.

    On peach trees, a dormant spray of copper fungicide in late fall will work well. Keep the ground free of leaves and debris, especially over the winter. Prune and destroy infected plant parts as soon as you see them.

    Approved for organic gardening. Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide controls a large variety of plant diseases including peach leaf curl, powdery mildew, black spot, rust, anthracnose, fire blight and bacterial leaf spot. Use on vegetables, roses, fruits and turf. Can be used up to the day of harvest.

    Containing copper and pyrethrins, Bonide® Garden Dust is a safe, one-step control for many insect attacks and fungal problems. For best results, cover both the tops and undersides of leaves with a thin uniform film or dust. Depending on foliage density, 10 oz will cover 625 sq ft. Repeat applications every 7-10 days, as needed.

    Keep the ground beneath the trees raked up and clean, especially during winter months.

    Prune and destroy infected plant parts as they appear.

    If disease problems are severe, maintain tree health and vigor by cutting back more fruit than normal, watering regularly (avoiding wetting the leaves if possible) and apply an organic fertilizers high in nitrogen.Be aware that repeated annual use of copper products over many seasons can result in a buildup of copper in the soil, which eventually can become toxic to soil organisms, and if it moves into waterways, can harm some aquatic species.
