How to protect a wood fence from water damage?

by Mmz

I have a 4 ft wood fence I want to have plants in front of the fence. I do not

have sidewalks on our street. Trying to figure out how to have plants with out damaging the wood. Home Depot has a plastic edging roughly 5-6 in tall installing this in front of the wood the length roughly 25-30 foot. Please do not suggest cactus or succulents. I live in Southern California the city of

Chula Vista.

  5 answers
  • Try vinca. Plant, not the vine. They take the summer heat and even though they are considered an annual, mine have always come back for several years in a row. Come in white, reds, pinks and purples.

  • Judith bock Judith bock on Jun 09, 2019

    Make sure that you treat the wood with Thompson water sealer or poly. they do make a sealer and stain combo.

    • Mmz Mmz on Jun 09, 2019

      Thank you Judith. I'll look into the water sealer.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 09, 2019

    Hello, the best way for you to do this is to build a low raised flower bed right up against the fence, then the wood on the fence will be safe from water as it will be in the flower bed borders.

  • Mmz Mmz on Jun 09, 2019

    Thank you for your answer. I'll watch the YouTube video that was provided.

  • Guy G Hopkins Guy G Hopkins on Aug 19, 2021

    Small world..I use to live in Chula Vista....I have cut the bottom of my fence just enough to clear the ground then apply a plastic sheet to cover the fence..maybe 6inches up...and flower bed to stop works here in does the cacti...