I have 4 big flower pots and nothing to fill them with??

by Sandra

I'd like to put flowers .But the planters are big. Any suggestions for substitute?

  9 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 01, 2019

    If you want low maintenance and can put in a sunny area, drill holes in the bottom then fill with rocks. Then mix rocks into the soil and plant succulents.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jul 01, 2019

    We got some packing peanuts to put in the base of ours so the pot filled would not be so heavy. Then we bought some potting soil and chose our favorite annuals like petunias, dianthas, and one perennial the geranium. You can also make "bouquets" in a pot with tall grass like back plant, broad leaf flowering plant or colored leaf plant in the middle, then short flowers like mini petunias around the outside. Go to your local nursery and look at what you see, then buy the parts or flowers you admired and plant yours the same way. The packing peanuts in the bottom also allow water to drain out. To keep dirt from leaking, we use coffee filters on the bottom holes or even on top of the peanuts and under the dirt. This allows drainage without losing soil.

  • Jeanette Jeanette on Jul 01, 2019

    I recently saw an answer on how to use these pots with less soil. Fill half way up with aluminum soda cans (and rocks too) then put soil into the pot. It will be lighter in weight and less expensive to fill.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 01, 2019

    Agree with above with suggestions to use filler—for bottom 1/3- before planting then select plant or flower species friendly to your planting zone. I have clematis, with lysmachia and sedum in mine.

  • Emily Emily on Jul 01, 2019

    I think you have cold winters so you better take that into account if you want to plant something for the year round. I plant those small trees, (see foreground) that one happens to be in the ground but I have them in pots too. They do quite well and need no maintenance. I would not drill through crockery. You need a special bit. Big is dramatic and I intend to get a small tree and plant it in a container on my upper side porch.

    comment photo
  • Shari Fryrear Shari Fryrear on Jul 01, 2019

    I had the same problem and I used long ting ting sticks. Artificial Cat Tail tall stems, Other items all artificial from Hobby Lobby feather ball which is a black and white. Some water Lilly pods I gathered from a friends pond and glued long dark sticks to them. I also found some shorter wheat like weeds and it is absolutely stunning.

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jul 02, 2019

    I fill the bottom of my pots with empty water bottles filled 1/2 way with hose water. If they freeze they won't burst, if they break it's just water. Depending what I'm planting, I'll fill the bottom anywhere from 1/3-2/3 filled with bottles.

    Plant perennials that come back yearly. Choose things that are native to your area for the least work and best results. Google your growing zone +your city to find out what's native then take into account how much sun the pots will get.

    Another idea is to flip one pot upside down and place the other on top of it. You'll end up with 2 very tall planters that will surely make a statement wherever you place them. Place near the front door, flanking a walkway or at the entrance to a garden area. Use solar spotlights to uplight them at night.

  • I put perennial flowers in them so they come back every year. They're low maintenance and the pots look great.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 01, 2023

    I also fill the bottoms with plastic water bottles, personally I like the small (or short) water bottles because they have more maneuverability. Be sure you have a drain hole in the bottom with some kind of a filter over it so the soil does not wash out...such as a piece of foam, screen...then add the dirt.

    Then I would visit a garden center for appropriate plants and ideas on design-meaning the type of compatible plants that complement each other.