How can I get rid of the pests that are making holes in my hostas?

Janet bruce
by Janet bruce

holes in my hosta leaves, probably due to slugs. what is the diy remedy?

  5 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 08, 2019

    Hi Janet,

    Sprinkle Epsom Salt on the ground in between your hostas, the slugs will dissolve when they crawl over it. Be careful to not get the ES on your plants, it could burn them.

  • Em Em on Jul 08, 2019

    above post is not accurate. Try some of these remedies.

    1. Cached
    2. Similar

    Some people sprinkle specific ingredients such as epsom salts (magnesium ... Of course it does the same thing to plants, so be sure to keep it away from them.

  • Jeanne Grunert Jeanne Grunert on Jul 08, 2019

    Beer! Yes, beer. Place an inch of beer in a pie plate. Slugs crawl in to drink the beer and drown. You can also just tip the bottle on the side with some beer in it; same result, dead slugs. Copper tape, which you can buy from a garden center, will repel them instead of killing slugs.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 14, 2019

    Hi Janet, I have the same problem and they are also going after my large martagon ilies, caffeine kills slugs, I have been putting used coffee grounds on and anround my plants, and you can make a spray with a simple cup of strong coffee.

    Make very strong caffeinated coffee, then mix it half and half with water and put into a trigger or compressed-air sprayer. Spray on plants and the ground that snails &slugs travel on.