How do I make DIY weed killer?

Ana A. Kelley
by Ana A. Kelley

What is it I mix with Dawn detergent to kill weeds naturally???

  9 answers
  • Rebecca Taylor Rebecca Taylor on Jul 19, 2019

    Hi Ana, here it is.

    Natural Weed Killer

    • 1 gallon white vinegar
    • 1 cup salt
    • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap

    Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and treat weeds at the sunniest time of day for best results.

  • Tamie Knisley Tamie Knisley on Jul 19, 2019

    Rosin salt , vinegar and dawn

  • Tamie Knisley Tamie Knisley on Jul 19, 2019

    Epson salt, vinegar and dawn

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jul 19, 2019

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 19, 2019

    Nothing just use straight vinegar it is cheaper and works pour on center of weeds soaking down into roots in hot direct sunlight no rain 3 days. really isn't anything natural about using dish soap/detergent in your garden yard it is a chemical------yes...wetting & pulling is best but people are lazy. We tend to be comfortable with products we cook with and use in the kitchen. But it’s good to be cautious even with supposedly safe homemade remedies.

    Boiling water really is organic. If you pour it piping hot on small weeds, it will likely kill them, and possibly harm whatever is growing around them. Many organic websites recommend it for killing small weeds that are growing in cracks in sidewalks or driveways.

    Bigger weeds like dandelions that have taproots and are perennial may shrivel but they usually bounce back from such treatment.

    Miracle cures?

    The Dawn dish soap remedy pops up constantly as a miracle weed cure on Facebook pages devoted to gardening. There’s some logic behind the concoction. The dish soap helps the mix stick and spread on leaves. Salt can be toxic to plants. And vinegar has been used to fight weeds, though usually horticultural vinegar, which has about four times the acetic acid of the vinegar we use in the kitchen. At 20 percent acetic acid, horticultural vinegar is dangerous enough that users are supposed to wear long sleeves, gloves and goggles to protect themselves from burns and splashes.

    The dish soap mix is a contact herbicide that works by drying out the leaves of the plant. Like Roundup, the mix doesn’t distinguish between good plants and bad plants, so if you decide to use it, watch where you spray it.

    But like boiling water, this mix may kill only small weeds. Although results on bigger weeds look good at first when leaves show damage, perennial weeds and big weeds will likely bounce back. Roundup will take those weeds out, because it’s a systemic product that, unlike the soap mix, will kill the root of the weed.

    There’s really nothing organic about the dish soap mix, either. All three main ingredients are chemicals, and one weed scientist who has written about it argues that toxicity levels in vinegar and salt may be higher than in glyphosate. (You can read his analysis here:

    The wild card in mixing your own “safe” weed killer is that people tend to get dangerously creative. I recently saw an online suggestion to add a cup of bleach to the dish soap mix, something that could not only create a toxic gas but that will permanently damage soil.

    Lastly, the creeping Charlie question. The borax recipe came from research in Iowa and was embraced by homeowners because creeping Charlie is so hard to kill. While it’s still floating out there as an option, it’s no longer recommended by the University of Minnesota Extension. Borax, too, is a chemical. Use it more than twice to fight creeping Charlie, and it will kill your grass as well — lingering in the soil, and creating a dead zone where nothing else will grow.

    So what’s a gardener who’s looking for organic solutions to do? There’s always good old muscle power, applied every couple of weeks aided by dandelion diggers and trowels. A stiff rake can remove a lot of creeping Charlie.

    And there’s education. Magic solutions usually aren’t half as good as they sound, and sometimes they can do considerable harm. Do your research before you use any chemical — homemade or not — in the garden.

  • William William on Jul 19, 2019

    I use one cup of vinegar, one cup of table salt to two gallons water in a garden sprayer. Saturate the weeds till dipping. Do not use on lawn or in garden will kill everything. Boiling water on weeds in lawn and garden.

  • Abel Steffes Abel Steffes on Jul 20, 2019

    To prepare a weed killer at home, add 1 cup of salt and 1 tablespoon of dish soap in 1 gallon of vinegar. Spray this mixture on weeds to get rid of it. Also, to prevent weed growth, follow these tips of lawn maintenance- 

    1. Feed organic fertilizers to the lawn regularly.
    2. Mow the lawn once in a week.
    3. Water it deeply in the early morning.
  • Hi Ana - The struggle is real, isn't it?!? This is the most effective all-natural weed killer DIY that we use. It's even been featured on Hometalk! Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly

    PS - We have a FREE eBook with recipes for all of my homemade and all-natural cleaners. You can download it here -->

  • Janice Janice on Mar 19, 2021

    Hi Ana, in a gallon of white vinegar, mix 1 up of table salt and then just a sqirt of Dawn which makes the mixture stay on the weeds a bit longer. Works every time and is quite inexpensive. Just be sure not to overspray onto plants you want to thrive!