Can I plant seeds from an unripened watermelon?

Heather Kuder
by Heather Kuder

I grow watermelon and accidentally pulled a watermelon from my garden way too early, but the seeds that are in it would they be ready for a replanting for next year? I cut into the melon and it white inside, but I do see seeds. So are they plantable ?

  5 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jul 25, 2019

    Heather...l agree with Kathy..they should do fine.

  • Amanda Amanda on Jul 25, 2019

    I agree as well. You should be fine. Just let them dry out for next year.

  • Heather Kuder Heather Kuder on Jul 25, 2019

    But with it getting so late into the season. I shouldn't try planting another. Was wanting to wait till next spring! Here pic of my poor melon so sad and this one was 1st one to start growing! 😤😥😢😤 !

    I've also been reading online abt how u can groom the plant, but with all the reading gets me confused on just how and where to be cutting back at?

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  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 30, 2019

    From what I can see, the seeds have not matured. If they are dark and large, they are matured enough to plant next year.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 31, 2019

    the seeds are not matured enuf to use but what the heck throw the watermelon out in garden as compost the soil will love it grind up the rind in blender easier to mix it in the soil