How can I make arm covers for a couch?

by Barnett
  4 answers
  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on Aug 16, 2019

    Find another old arm cover that you won't use. Seam rip the seams to get the pieces so that you can use it as a pattern. Make sure the size is the correct size to fit the arm of your couch. You may have to resize the pieces to fit but at least you will know how they put it together. This is a method I use all the time In sewing and re-upholstering. I take pieces apart quite a bit to see how things were done.

    If you can't get your hands on an old cover, get some plastic tablecloth. Use it as pattern fabric. Take a piece that would fit the arm of your couch and wrap it around the arm to see where you will need to attach pieces to form the arm of the couch. Then cut the pieces and pin them where you will need to sew. When you have a formed arm cover around your couch arm, you have a pattern. Remove the pins and use the pieces as pattern. Good luck!

  • Janice Janice on Aug 16, 2019

    You could trace the front end of the sofa arm using a sheet of paper and a pencil. Get the cloth you're going to use and cut the semi-round piece about 5/8 " larger than the cut-out you've made, then cut a rectangular piece of fabric the length of the end piece and sew together right sides together. You can make the arm cover as deep as you want to protect the arms of the couch.

    Here's an article with pics that may explain much better!

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Aug 16, 2019

    I take the fabric I'm going to use, drape it over the arm, pin until I get the fit I want and then sew or use stitch witchery to get the shape.

  • Emily Emily on Aug 16, 2019

    I would do as Janice suggests. I made this sofa slipcover years ago (after machine quilting all the fabric!) and that is how I made the arm ends.

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