How can I move a phone jack between rooms?

by E T

I was thinking of putting desktop on outside enclosed veranda as not much room for it inside. Did a bit of rethinking and found some space for it inside but need to move the phone jack. Anyone know how?

  5 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 01, 2019

    In today's available technology you only need one jack in your house.

    Then you buy a phone unit with a base phone that plugs into the jack while all the other phones just plug into an electrical outlet.

    Any enclosed veranda needs an electrical outlet which should be easy to put in!

  • Rymea Rymea on Sep 01, 2019

    It's not difficult at all. You probably would want to add another jack by running a new wire from the one you have to where you want the new one.. It would be difficult to give you instructions since we don't know how your jacks are wired but there are lots of telephone wiring videos on Youtube. Here is one to start with.

  • See if these help you.

  • Dee Dee on Sep 05, 2019

    Or you can buy a phone with 4-5 extensions. These need only one jack and plug into an electrical outlet.

  • E T E T on Sep 28, 2019

    Many thanks to all those people who replied to my query on the phone jack. I have more than enough information now to have a go. Wish me luck guys and thanks again.