How do you get rid of fruit flies from sink and garbage disposals?

by Charles
  6 answers
  • The Inspired Workshop The Inspired Workshop on Sep 09, 2019

    Hey Charles! I love to use cheap wine in a glass, fill it about halfway full and then add about a tablespoon of dish soap! Leave it near the sink and in the morning you will have a slew of dead gnats in the bottom of the glass! Works amazingly well!

  • Molly Anmar Molly Anmar on Sep 09, 2019

    Make sure and scrub the underside of the rubber thing that goes into your disposal. It gets amazingly grotty.

    Then, foaming drain cleaner will take care of any larva.

  • Renee Vlna Renee Vlna on Sep 10, 2019 This is mine. As you can see, it works great. I just use apple cider vinegar

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  • Rosalie Rogers Rosalie Rogers on Sep 15, 2019

    First off remove any fruit that is drawing the flies in the first place. Second use something like vinegar to clean the sink and the stopper. Something foul smelling to the fruit flies should deter them. I found that as nice as a fruit bowl filled with fruit looks, the fruit can ripen to a point where it draws the flies. Just a thought.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Sep 16, 2019

    We put apple cider vinegar in a shallow dish, cover it with cling wrap plastic, and poke a bunch of holes in the plastic. They will enter dish, but can't leave. Just like old song "Hotel California".

  • Pour bleach down the drains.