How do you get rid of sink/drain flies?
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Bug spray doesn't work.
I use a little apple cider in a cup. Seal the cup with Saran Wrap. Poke about five holes in the Saran Wrap. Set it off to the side of the sink.
Those look like damn pantry flies.....the sink is not t problem. THey are V aped and live in grain flour, crackers, macaroni..nasty boogers. Go thru your pantry or wherever you store that stuff and look in every will see webs and little larvae🤢. They hide in corners, look like webbed cocoons and hide under shelves. THEY can have entire generations hatching in a box of flour. THOSE flies in your sink are attracted by the. Smell and water. Use the cup on th counter. For adults...but go thru your pantry. I eventually found my source in the darn bird seed in the garage but not before they got to the dog food.
I had them (drain flies - black with big round wings), they were in the drain line where my air handler condensate pipe drained to and also in my bathroom shower drain. I used Drano, let it sit and then flushed lines with water, no more flies. They really are annoying. You really have to use something to kill the larvae. Good Luck!
Flies will be attracted to the fragrant liquid and drown. Boil a pot of water and pour it down the drain 1-2 times daily for a week. Pour 1/2 cup of salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar down the drain and allow to sit overnight. Follow with a pot of boiling water in the morning. Here is a guide i found online:
I tried everything. The worst are the ‘traps’. They trap 2%!!! Don’t waste your time. 2 years of this (they leave in the winter) and I tried ammonia down the kitchen drain. Presto! Gone!! Nothing else works.
Pour in 1/2 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of baking soda plus a cup of white vinegar. Allow it to work its magic overnight then flush the drain with hot or boiling water the next morning. This will sanitize the drain and kill the flies and their eggs.
Pour some bleach down the drain periodically.
Pour boiling water down the drain a couple of times a week.
Here's a post that might help
Sticky yellow traps.
Pour bleach down the drains.
Here is a post that might help, scroll down to the part about sinks -
Hi Cindy, this should help you. Boil a kettle of water, pour the boiling water down the drain. Follow that with adding 1 full cup of baking soda, follow that with pouring in 2 cups of vinegar. Leave this to sit for 1 hour before using this sink.