How can I tile chipboard?

by Berte
  4 answers
  • William William on Sep 19, 2019

    Should use cement board over the chipboard. Chipboard moves, expands, contracts, and breaks down when wet. Not a good substrate for tile.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Sep 19, 2019

    William is correct. You can't tile it if you want it to last at all.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Sep 20, 2019

    I concur. No matter what is there, you need backer board for tile. Tile is rather fragile until properly installed including backer

  • Jwawersich Jwawersich on Sep 25, 2019

    For a tile and grout floor, everyone is correct. Your substrate needs to be solid, with no give to it. That means your subfloor, the OSB or chip board needs to be a minimum of 5/8" thick and in good shape. Walk around on the floor and try to bounce on it, if there is a lot of give, it will need to be replaced. Then cover with dur-rock or denshield, mortar over the joints and screws and then tile over that.

    If you are talking about vinyl tile, either glue down or peel and stick, you can. For that, you're better off putting 1/4" luan plywood first. If you don't, when you want to change the tile and remove it, you will pull up some of the OSB subfloor.