How do I use vinegar in the bedroom to stain my bed?

Glinda Markham
by Glinda Markham
  4 answers
  • Craft Invaders Craft Invaders on Oct 07, 2019

    Here's the post

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 07, 2019

    Hello Glinda,

    Quick answer, Throw it over the mattress and leave. Ha Ha! Not what I guess you meant? If it is the wood frame or headboard. Rub it down to reveal unvarnished wood. Add steel wool into vinegar overnight, until it disintegrates leaving a brown liquid. Strain the liquid and that's your stain. Hope that's what you were after!

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Oct 07, 2019

  • Lindy Lindy on Oct 07, 2019

    Totally agree with soaking the steel wool in vinegar. I let it soak for a few days and it looked disgusting but when I stained old wood doors with it they looked amazing. Just like expensive reclaimed wood. Good luck