Which paint should I use for a wood sideboard ?

by Anita

How do I paint my ikea white sideboard I use it in my kitchen it's wood I would like to paint it white again what's the best paint to use also I'd like to paint my kitchen chairs the same white please advise me the best paint to buy thank you Anita

  4 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Oct 06, 2019

    Hi Anita,

    Many people like to use Sherwin Williams brand paint however, I have used many different brands of paint and have always had success. I look for a paint that is made for trim or cabinets. Also remember that preparation is the key to long lasting paint. Be sure everything is deglossed if it's a glossy surface and I suggest using a primer. Many paints today are a combo primer and paint, but I've had a lot more success using a primer first, then a paint. Here's an interesting article that I think will add to your research. What I found interesting is one of the questions where it was suggested to add Floetrol to the paint if it's showing brush marks. I need to do my kitchen cabinets and kitchen trim this winter myself. I have the paint but I'm going to pick up some Floetrol too just for the extra smoothness. Wishing you the best.


  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Oct 06, 2019


  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Oct 06, 2019

    if the sideboard is not solid wood you can still paint it !https://repurposeandupcycle.com/can-you-paint-ikea-furniture/

  • If the wood has visible knots, they need to be sealed with shellac before painting white. The tannins bleed through and turn the white paint yellow.