How do I make a mirror picture project?

by Peggy

I thought I kept the instructions to spot remove the mirror in order to put pictures behind, but I can’t find it. Help please!

  4 answers
  • Emily Emily on Oct 22, 2019

    This is not an answer to the instructions you are referring to, but it is a way to get what you want. Although these are decoupaged elements, you can achieve same effect with pictures. What you do is get a piece same sized glass and put it in front of the mirror. The glass does not show, you must color the back of the pictures black so that does not show. glue the pictures to the mirror and place glass in front. Reassemble mirror in frame.This method does not ruin the mirror and it is easy to just dissemble at some future date if you want to.

    comment photo
    • Peggy Peggy on Oct 24, 2019

      This isn’t what I had in mind, but if I can’t find the one I want, this will be a close second. Thanks!

  • William William on Oct 23, 2019

    I hope one of these will help.

  • T R T R on Oct 24, 2019

    Peggy, I can't find it either. Can you give any more description about the project? size, colors, what kind of pictures were in it, etc?

  • Peggy Peggy on Oct 25, 2019

    I would, but I can’t remember much. All I know is that spots of mirror were removed so pictures could be placed in the clear spaces. Not very helpful, I know, sorry.