How can I clean foggy car headlights?

by Anna

lenses are foggy on car.

  5 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 01, 2019

    Some people use an old toothbrush and toothpaste. If that does not work, there are $10 cleaning kits at Walmart, or the more extensive cleaning kits for headlights for $33 at Walmart. It depends on how long they have been fogged over. Hope this helps, Anna

  • Allison Allison on Dec 01, 2019

    Rubbing compound worked the best. I tried one of the kits, 3 steps and no results. I like Meguiar' s compound. It didn't scratch the lenses at all. I even used it on the tail light lenses of my 83 and it worked, with a lot more effort, but still worked to clean the oxidation off them. Apply a coat of wax, well buffed, to prevent hazing after you have them clean.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 01, 2019

    Hi Anna,

    Use WD-40 on outside light lense. If foggy inside lamp, sounds as if the seal has gone and will need to be replaced........

  • Darlene Williman Darlene Williman on Dec 01, 2019

    I tried some of the home remedies as well as the cheaper kits on my car but the headlights were badly fogged over and coated with something that just pilled up but didn't come off. Ended up using the Meguiar's heavy duty kit and it did take off most of it so that you could actually see the lights at night. So as Allison says it depends on the condition of your light lens as to what you use and how much time and effort you have to put into the process.

  • Try white toothpaste and an old tooth brush. Worked great on mine