How high should the backsplash tile go?

by Denny

My kitchen design is a bit different. I have no counter space, on one side of the stove. I have a short wall that leads to the doorway. I am installing the tile backsplash and can't decide how I should end it. Should I stop in the corner, behind the stove? Should I continue around the corner beside the stove? If I do, do I stop at the front of the stove, continue to the nearby doorway? If I continue toward the doorway, do I run the tile to the floor or maintain the same level as the counter tops

  11 answers
  • William William on Jan 08, 2020

    Continue around the corner and stop at the front of the stove.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 08, 2020

    A picture would help. Hard to picture your kitchen lay out but in mine I stopped when the cupboards stopped and ran the back splash completely around the cabinets and stove. But that was for my kitchen.

  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Jan 08, 2020

    I would continue through the corner of the stove and onto the short wall. A picture would be helpful. So we can better visualize it.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 08, 2020

    Hi Denny, I would put the tile on one wall at counter height or, in a "U" shape so it is on 3 walls which should make it look balanced, it is hard to judge without a picture of where you want to place it.

  • I would continue around the corner beside the stove.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jan 08, 2020

    My kitchen very similar. We put backsplash from counter up to the bottom of the upper cabinets and wrapped it along the side of the stove stopping at the counter edge. Basically the same as William suggested.

  • Denny Denny on Jan 09, 2020

    Here is the area I am talking about. My thought is to wrap around the stove, level with the micro wave and stop at the front edge of the stove.

    comment photo
    • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jan 11, 2020

      Yes, that is exactly what we did. The only exposed edge of your tile will need to be finished. We used metal tile edge strips.

  • Em Em on Jan 09, 2020

    If you wrap around the wall to the corner wall you should add some type of trim to make it look finished. Use either tile trim or small quarter round. I would just go to the wall behind the stove and not go to the door opening.

  • Agreed- I would just end it in the corner behind the stove and be sure you've got wipeable paint on that wall to the left of the stove. Take the backsplash all the way to the bottom of the cabinets (standard is 18")- and all the way up to the bottom of the microwave.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Dec 26, 2020

    Hi I like any surface that could get cooking grease or splashes to be tiled. It's much easier to clean. Good luck!

  • Janice Janice on Aug 22, 2021

    I would continue the backsplash around the corner and to the front of the stove and add a finish such as a bullnose edge. No way would I tile to the doorway and down to the floor! Just my opinion. :)