What can I use to coat rusted enamel?

by Myamie

We have an old metal table with an enamel top it’s rusted but we have sanded down we want the rust to show but don’t know what to use so that it looks natural. We tried Krylon clear coat spray but it turned white upon application. Any ideas?? Just want rust and natural white paint parts to look natural

  8 answers
  • I would try clear lacquer.

  • Malicity D'Obscura Malicity D'Obscura on Feb 01, 2020

    There's actually a product that was used on the big, metal safety pin sculpture in Philadelphia, which you can use. It retains the rust look, prevents more rust from forming, preserves it and doesn't add a sheen. I'll look for the container, and get back to you later, but another option is a product we use in paint, Penetrol. This will do as the product I was thinking of, although the rust will get darker, so that may be something you need to consider. I'll get back with the name of the other stuff in an hour, or so.

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 01, 2020

    Hi ! Try renaissance wax !!! It is about $15 for a small container on Amazon . But ... This goes a long , long way !!!!! It was developed by the British museum to use to protect their artifacts . It can be used on different materials . To use it , take a soft cotton rag and dip the edge onto the wax and take out a little dab , then rub it onto the surface you want to seal/protect , let it sit for 10 minutes , then using a soft cloth buff the area . It will leave a beautiful smooth finish . I used this on our dining table that was made by a local welder , out of an old rock drill , metal and reclaimed wood . We live in a damp environmen t and the edges of the table were rusting . i liked the look of a little dust , so I lightly sanded the edge to leave the amount of dust I liked then treated it with the wax . It looks GREAT and felt nice and smooth , without a shine . I did this several years ago and it has held up well . Good luck !

    • Myamie Myamie on Feb 01, 2020

      Thank you Pamela we will try this as well as we were totally stumped but do want to preserve this table as it’s been in our family for many years

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 01, 2020

    That was supposed to read rust not dust !!!!! Sorry ...

    • Myamie Myamie on Feb 01, 2020

      Malicity we truly appreciate your help and will definitely be checking into this product. We are determined to restore this piece as it’s part of our family history. Thank you.

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Feb 01, 2020

    I’m sorry the Krylon turned white. I wonder if Rustoleum clear would do better?

    I’m sure you wiped it down with alcohol before spraying, to get rid of finger oils.

    • Myamie Myamie on Feb 01, 2020

      Yes we did take the proper steps but were not pleased with the outcome did not like the white sheen. Thank you for you thoughts.

  • I tried a clear lacquer on rust and it turned white as well. You might try a wax but you might consider contacting manufacturers of any products you find first to ensure it'll give you the results you're seeking.

    • Myamie Myamie on Feb 01, 2020

      Thanks Becky that is very helpful information we appreciate your feedback

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 01, 2020

    Here is a picture of the table's edge that I

    Used the wax on .

    comment photo