How can I repair a wood door that won't close?

Diane ndfan
by Diane ndfan

I have a wood door which I can not get it closed how can the door latch so it can be closed? No matter how hard I push on it will not close

  13 answers
  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on Mar 07, 2020

    Sounds like the door might be swollen. Has it ever closed before? Or has it always been like this. Is it a matter of trimming the door to get it closed. Did you add a rug or a higher floor that has a different height at the bottom? I have no idea if this might help you but if so, Check out my post:

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 07, 2020

    Do you think it is a problem with the door fitting in the frame, a latch that won't catch?

    Can you be more specific? Plus does this door go to the outside or an inside door?

  • If it's the latch, you can move the plate up or down so they line up.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Mar 07, 2020

    Here's a video that might help -

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Mar 07, 2020


    See if these ideas help your issue.

  • Em Em on Mar 07, 2020

    Are you talking about a entry or closet door or a cabinet door? Follow the instructions of the video above for an entry door. If it is a cabinet door especially if it has been painted, take the hinge off of the door and clean it. Often times paint stuck in the hinge prevents it from functioning properly. Dirt can also build up in it. Try to remove the hinge pin if there is one, clean then reinstall.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 07, 2020

    Hello there Diane,

    Check out the hinge and make sure all ok! there, as it may have loosened or bent out of shape. If door has swollen and is now too big, you can plane it down a bit at a time, and then try. Best wishes.

  • The house might have shifted or the door swelled. You can try trimming a tad off the bottom of the door so you can get it to close.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Mar 07, 2020

    It is probably swollen. That’s why I prefer fiberglass or steel. You can shave it but then you run the risk of a gap if it goes down. Not a huge deal if it’s an interior door.

  • Megan Megan on Mar 07, 2020

    Try a little wax! Wax can work wonders for getting doors and drawers to close!

  • Did you check the hinges? That's where I would start! If that doesn't solve the issue, then you have a bunch of really great suggestions here.

  • Deb K Deb K on Mar 07, 2020

    Hi Diana, it might have got out of square, you can move the lath to make it work, but if it moved because of weather change you it may happen again, hope this helps you out

  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 29, 2021

    I have an old house, I fixed mine by checking the door hinges on the door jam. One of the screws had stripped out the door jam. I measured and got a wooden dowel slightly bigger than the hole diameter at the hardware store and a thinner, longer screw. I drilled out the hole to accomodate the wood dowel, hammered it in, sawed off the excess, then put the hinge in place and screwed in the new longer screw. I also every fall rub either a wax candle or a bar of soap along the edges of the door. And presto its good till next year.