How to install a door?

Chris Thornback
by Chris Thornback

I have a lovely wood heater in my lounge. Only issue is a lot of heat escapes down the hall. I would love to be able to close it off. Can I do this myself?

  9 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 01, 2020

    Hello Chris,

    Yes you could if you have the right skills. Fitting a door is not as simple s it might seem, as the actual fitting of the door to the frame might need some adjustments, and a door can be ruined if you get it wrong! I would call in a carpenter that is used to fitting doors to do a good job as it will be quicker and possibly less costly then trying to do it yourself. Had you thought of using a heavy curtain instead?

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 01, 2020

    How large is the opening that you are thinking about covering with a door? Is it an open doorway now, or an open wall?

    A pocket door takes up the least amount of floor space, and can be completely hidden when not in use. However, it would depend on the width of the wall and what might be inside the wall whether one could be constructed or not. A qualified carpenter should be able to advise you as to its possibility.

  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on May 01, 2020

    If you aren't comfortable or handy to add a door with a frame, you can always add an accordion door right before the hallway. Those are easy to install and would do the job. Depending on the style though, you might want something nicer than a utilitarian door. You could also add a tension rod and a heavy duty curtain that you could close the hall off. That can be taken down easy when not in use or when summer hits. You can even match with your decor. Throwing out ideas for you.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on May 01, 2020

    Here is an easy tutorial for you:

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 01, 2020

    Have you considered hanging a curtain with a tension rod?

  • Mogie Mogie on May 01, 2020

    If you have a window in that room that could also be a source of heat lose for you. Have you checked for drafts using a candle or lit match? Not sure whether you have a draft? There are several ways to discover them. One is simply to hold your hand near a crack in a window or door and feel for the motion of air. You can also use a candle — if its flame flickers near a crack, you have a draft.

    Pretty much anything that will reach all the way to the top of the opening will help. Since warm air rises you want to make sure that the top is of the door area is well sealed. Even a blanket on a tension rod will help.

    Invest in better insulation like window insulation (double and triple-paned windows, protective films, etc.)

  • Deb K Deb K on May 02, 2020

    Hi Chris, how a bout a sliding barn door? They are a lot easier to install, here's a video that could help you out,

  • There could be a lot of reasons for heat to be escaping but you can likely install a door. They aren’t the easiest project so do lots of research to see if this is diy’able for you.