How to remove multiple paint layers from an old door?

by Karen

I have an old door, that has multiple paint layers on it. How can I remove this safety ? and effectively?

  10 answers
  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on May 05, 2020

    Hi Karen,

    I like to use a paint stripper. Depending on your country, there are some great ones out there that are not as harsh as others. Be sure to wear a mask and do it outside as it can have strong fumes. Depending on the age of the door you could also be dealing with lead paint so keep that in mind when you are getting the paint off. You can also use a palm sander to get some off as well.

    Hope that helps and good luck!


  • Gk Gk on May 05, 2020

    Hi Karen! You will have to use a stripper to remove all the paint layers. It will be the fastest and most efficient way to remove all the old paint. You can choose a traditional stripper like KleenStrip which will work faster or a less toxic stripper like CitriStrip which will take longer but is far less smelly. Follow the directions when using each product because you apply them differently. Here's some tips:

  • Here is a helpful video on how to remove paint from wood, it shows 3 strippers you can use:

  • Janice Janice on May 05, 2020

    Citri-Strip paint remover applied with a brush will work. It may take a few applications to get through all the layers. A trick I learned was to apply the Citri-Stirp liberally, cover with a large piece of plastic and let the stripper work, scrape off as much paint as possible and then rrepeat the process, if needed. Sanding would be the final step to remove the last bit of paint.

  • Karen Karen on May 05, 2020

    Thank you for the advice

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on May 05, 2020

    Paint thinner and a scraper.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 05, 2020

    I would start with scraping as much as possible. If you have a heat gun and are careful, that will help the process along.

    You can also use a chemical stripper.

    No matter what you do, it will probably take a few passes since you say it is multiple paint layers.

    Once you have removed most of them, you can sand and re finish with stain or paint.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on May 07, 2020


    Here is some ideas

  • Lilmomo79m Lilmomo79m on Jul 14, 2021

    Thornbys. Can't go wrong 👍