Shower head?

by MAS

The holes in the shower head is not putting much water out, like 3 streams, how can that be cleaned so more waters sprays?

  13 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jan 09, 2021

    here is some help for your showerhead

  • William William on Jan 09, 2021

    Here ya go

  • You may have a hard water build-up. If you can, remove the shower head and soak it in vinegar. If you can't, hang a plastic bag of vinegar around it - tied to the pipe and let it soak. Scrub with an old toothbrush.

  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Jan 09, 2021

    Hi, I really like CLR for cleaning showerheads. You can fill a bowl with it and then soak the showerhead. It really gets rid of calcium and buildup.

  • Em Em on Jan 09, 2021

    Just cleaned mine yesterday. The end on many of them screws off. Soak in vinegar,scrub off the white build up with and old toothbrush and use a pin to clear all of the holes.

    • See 1 previous
    • Em Em on Jan 10, 2021

      I do too. I had better water AND a water softener in my last home. Sure do miss it. New home has seriously white residue on everything.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jan 09, 2021

    You can use plain white vinegar or CLR, just put in a plastic bag and attach it to the shower head so all the holes are covered and let it soak. Take down the bag, but don't spill out the contents just yet. Poke the holes with a fine wire and also scrub the holes with an old toothbrush. Try running the shower and see if it is any better. If so, you are done. If not reattach the bag and let it soak some more.

  • Janice Janice on Jan 09, 2021

    I do the same thing as Redcatrec because I don't want to remove the shower head. Works great and the vinegar can just be put down the drain with a bit of baking soda and you've completed two jobs in one.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 09, 2021

    Hello MAS, if you can remove it, soak it in vinegar for a while to clear out the calcium deposits, if you can't remove it grab a ziploc bag and some elastic bands, fill the ziploc with vinegar and use the elastics to hold it on the shower head for about 20 minutes to let it work.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jan 09, 2021

    Hi! Vinegar sprayed into the holes will help. Or soaking it in vinegar if you can remove it. I use a toothbrush and q tips to clean the holes out. Good luck and stay safe!

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 10, 2021

    I put a plastic bag over mine and fill it with CLR and let sit for a day or two.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 11, 2021

    Start by massaging each of them to break up any deposits. If that doesn't solve the issue, fill a bag with white cleaning vinegar and zip tie onto the shower head. Let soak for 30 minutes then remove and that should fix it.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 03, 2021

    Hello MAS, Mix 1/3-cup baking soda with one-cup white vinegar in the bag. The baking soda will react with the vinegar causing it to bubble, do this in a sink. Secure the bag over your dirty showerhead with a rubber band. Make sure the head is completely covered in the solution.