Wood Burned Spoons Pretty DIY - How To Gift Them Creatively

5 Materials
30 Minutes

Looking for a quick DIY gift? Here's a super simple way to add a touch of beauty to ordinary items. Create personalized wooden spoons with the pyrography wood burning technique. Wood burned spoons make quick and easy DIY gifts for everyone! Keep some back for yourself and add them to a crock or jug to make a creative kitchen counter display.

This is an abbreviated version of the original post 'Wood burned spoons pretty DIY - How to gift them creatively' from the blog Chalking Up Success dot com.

Find the full, detailed tutorial including sources, ideas for gifting and more about pyrography by clicking the link to the full blog post https://chalkingupsuccess.com/wood-burned-spoons/ Thanks for understanding!


  • Wooden spoons
  • Pencil
  • Wood burning set
  • Oil for sealing and absorbent kitchen towel (optional)


  • This is not a craft for children because the wood-burning tool gets very hot. I also recommend protecting your workspace before you start.
  • A stand for your pyrography tool should be included in the set. I recommend taping it to your surface before you start so that it doesn't move around or get knocked over while you are working.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area. If you are creating a large design where lots of smoke is being created, you should consider wearing a mask. No smoke was made during these small projects so I didn't feel I needed a mask. I also had all the windows open whilst I was burning the wood.
  • The heat from the wood-burning tool makes the handle hard to hold at times. You may need a pair of protective gloves or something to wrap around the handle.
  • If you want to change the tip, you will need to turn off the tool. Let it cool for five to ten minutes before you touch it. The instructions I received with my kit said to wait two minutes but that wasn't nearly enough.


Draw or trace your design onto the spoons.


Set the temperature to 350 for burning the spoons and allow the pyrography tool to heat up for around five minutes before you start.


Trace around the lines with the wood-burning tool. There is no need to press hard, just lightly, guide the tool around the design.


Go back over any lines which are too faint if you need to and fill in darker areas.


This step is optional. Douse a piece of folded kitchen towel in a mineral or food-safe oil. Cover the spoons with the oil and allow them to sit overnight.

Find the post containing my homemade oil recipe at the end of the original blog post (link above).

That's it! Your wood burned spoons are now ready for use in your kitchen or gifting.

Please visit the original blog post for ideas on how to gift your wonderful wood burned spoons!


Before you go, if you’re not part of our amazing creative community yet but would love to join us, I would love to have you stop by my blog 'Chalking Up Success' for the full tutorial or to sign up for my latest posts, DIY, inspiring home decor, natural home recipes and more.


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Suggested materials:
  • Wooden spoons   (Etsy)
  • Pencil   (Craft store)
  • Wood burning set   (eBay)
See all materials
Chalking Up Success
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2 of 5 comments
  • 34354174 34354174 on Jun 13, 2021

    Love this. Thanks for the ideas!!

  • Jeanne Martin Jeanne Martin on Jun 13, 2021

    Woodburning tip: I am too impatient to wait until the tool cools to change the tip. I use needle nose pliers to remove the hot tip and place it in a little metal bowl. Then, using the pliers, I screw in the new tip. As a safety precaution my little metal bowl is labeled HOT! with a red marker all the way around. That way there are no accidental burns!

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