Asked on Jul 30, 2012

My husband and l just purchased a small cottage in the North Woods and would appreciate any advice you could offer.

by Gail
The living room area of our great room measures 14 ft in long and 13 ft. wide. I'm at a loss on how to lay out the room. The room has a picture window on the wall to the left of the sofa and straight across are sliding glass doors to the back yard. It has a 14 inch set back behind the TV. I would like to make this room comfortable for my children and grandchildren when they visit. I am not sure what will work in this small area. The kitchen is open to the living room. The rooms are divided by a snack bar. Other then that everything is open. When your seated on the the sofa the kitchen is straight in front of you. Any advice you could offer would be so appreciated. Thank you..Gail
The hallway to the right of the sofa goes to two bedrooms and a bath. This photo gives some idea of the sizes of the windows in the living room. With the picture window and patio doors there isn't much wall space left.
The hallway to the right of the sofa goes to two bedrooms and a bath. This photo gives some idea of the sizes of the windows in the living room. With the picture window and patio doors there isn't much wall space left.
The hallway to the right of the sofa goes to two bedrooms and a bath. This photo gives some idea of the sizes of the windows in the living room. With the picture window and patio doors there isn't much wall space left.
The hallway to the right of the sofa goes to two bedrooms and a bath. This photo gives some idea of the sizes of the windows in the living room. With the picture window and patio doors there isn't much wall space left.
I just added these snack bar stools for more seating area..
  15 answers
  • Jan C Jan C on Jul 31, 2012
    Take graph paper and make a sqare = a foot. Measure the furniture, cut it out, measure out the room, mark doors and windows and then keep moving it around until you find something that works! My Mom taught me this years ago and it sure saves on the back. Without being in the room and seeing all the furniture, I think it's difficult to give ideas. With the graph paper you will really be able to move it around and try many different positions. Good luck.
  • Laura Laura on Jul 31, 2012
    If you could draw up and post a schematic of the room it might be more helpful. Also, which directions are the windows and sliding doors facing?
  • Lea6941 Lea6941 on Jul 31, 2012
    hi i think it would be a good idea to add more photos from different angels in the room, also if you have a blueprint scan or just a sketch of the room- it would be very helpful to give ideas and advice
  • Becky H Becky H on Jul 31, 2012
    Certainly it would be advantageous to have an idea if any other rooms are off of this one. More info. please.
  • Gail Gail on Jul 31, 2012
    Thank you all for your help..I have posted three more pictures to give a better idea of the layout of the great room. All of this furniture can be replaced if need be. The couch, chair and TV cabinet are just odds and ends that l picked up when we moved in to hold us over until the house and grounds were finished. This cottage was a foreclosure and needed much work inside and out.
  • Gail Gail on Jul 31, 2012
    I thought about a sectional sofa on the back wall where the couch is now, having it wrap around the picture window (window to the left of the couch now) However the picture window goes almost to the floor. I don't know how to make it look okay from the outside if the back of the sectional is against the window. I should mention that my husband and l will be staying at the cottage from May thru October each year. So l need to make it feel cozy and comfortable. Again thanks for any ideas you come up with...Gail
  • Z Z on Jul 31, 2012
    Using graph paper is great. I used to keep each room in an envelope, but with the computer I now either use Windows Paint program with graph paper I found online for free or BHG's online room arranger..... The bones of this room sure do pose many problems for finding the perfect furniture arrangement. Hopefully the tool linked above will help you. If it doesn't have the pieces of furniture you have or in the wrong sizes you can change them or use something else to represent what you have by changing it the size you need.
  • Gail Gail on Jul 31, 2012
    Your right Becky, without a lot of walls and so many windows there doesn't seem to be a lot l can do..Thanks for the link to BHG l will try it right away.
  • Melissa Melissa on Jul 31, 2012
    Have you thought about floating the couch in the center, maybe facing the wall where the TV is? If you do not like seeing the back of the couch, then a little console table with lamps and a decor vignette would be adorable. Measureing and drawing up the room would help you know if the space would allow for this.
  • Z Z on Jul 31, 2012
    That's was the only thing I could think of too Melissa. If there's enough space I think I'd try facing the sofa with it's back to the window, facing the slider but leaving enough room to walk behind the sofa and the recliner to the left of the slider at an angle. I drew a picture to help you see what I'm talking about...
    comment photo
  • Gail Gail on Jul 31, 2012
    Thank you Melissa and Becky..I just tried both and Becky's suggestion having the couch with the back to the window works great..I will be getting rid of large oversize recliner or at least placing it in another room (my husband loves it) then l thought l buy two smaller chairs. I think that they both may fit on an angle to the sliders. Once l finally have those in place l will be able to look for drapes or maybe blinds and some more art work..Thank you both so much, sometimes it just takes a fresh eye to look at a room...Gail
  • Z Z on Jul 31, 2012
    Oh I'm glad that works for you Gail. I'm an old pro at moving around furniture. My hubby (of 32 years) used to tell his friends that he never knew what our house was going to look like when he came from work because I changed things around so much.
  • Jody Lange Jody Lange on Aug 28, 2014
    your couch should go in front of the island the tv should be on the wall where the couch is now and the chair where the tv stand use to be, that way you have enough room to move around.
  • Jim L Jim L on Aug 22, 2015
    Put the sofa at right-angle to the front window, the recliner (if you are sitting on the sofa) should be on the right at a 45 ° angle. Add a sofa table (with a bottom shelf) behind the sofa and add a lamp. Leave the TV in the niche. If you pup the sofa in front of the slider, you will have to dodge it when you walk through the room. If there is enough room, you could add a small chair, table and lamp at an angle on the blank wall. Oh, add a small table and floor lamp between the sofa and recliner. With the room like this, if folks are having a conversation, no one has to walk through the middle of it to get into or out of the room. Also, the lamps provide ambient light as well as reading lights where-ever you sit. If/when you move the recliner, think about getting a club chair with an ottoman. It can be used as a coffee table when folks drop in.
  • Gail Gail on Aug 24, 2015
    Jim..Thank you for taking the time to offer suggestions. I didn't realize my question was still on the board. We have been in the cottage now for three summers. . We have purchased two club chairs, lost the big recliner and built shelves into the inset where the TV was previously. I took one of the larger bedrooms and it's now a TV media room. I like your suggestions on flipping the sofa and intend to give it a try. Thanks, Gail