changing a gas fireplace

Jessica A
by Jessica A
I currently have a vent free gas insert fireplace. I would like to make it a wood burner. How difficult is this? What does it involve? How expensive are we talking? Ballpark...
  5 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Dec 21, 2012
    Betty asked the same question a while back, and got three good answers. It's hard to even give a ballpark estimate for this as there are so many factors in trying to add the proper ventilation. As KMS and others said, the challenge and the big price factor here is going to be the chimney.
    Is it hard to convert Gas log fireplace to wood burning fireplace
  • The insert that you currently have would need to be removed. As the current fireplace uses a catalytic converter to clean up the CO from the by products of combustion that is generated by the natural or propane gas. Therefore you have no chimney. So you would need to install a complete new insert Zero clearance type of firebox. It would be deeper so if your current wall is framed out it may need to be completely redone to set the face of the new fireplace even with the hearth etc. You would need then to install a chimney that runs up and out past the roof by at least three feet higher then any part of the house within a 10 foot circle around it. Also chimney heights determine if you are going to have enough draft for the fumes and smoke to be drawn up and out. I would assume your going to be spending at least $5,000 and up and most likely more. All depends upon the location of the fireplace. If you have to go out the sidewall and up or go through the ceilings, roof and out. What quality you want. Local code requirements on chimneys.
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  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Dec 22, 2012
    Depending on the layout of the room a free standing woodstove may be easier and cheaper. Plus you gain the benefits of a freestanding unit.
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  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Jan 31, 2015
    And don't forget the cost of the wood which in my geographic area is running $200.00+ a cord. Or, if you cut it yourself, you are looking at trailer to haul wood, a splitter, chain saw costs as well as your time and physical labor. You also have to haul wood to your house, fill the fireplace every few hours (usually every three+ hours) and clean up afterwards. It's probably less costly to use the gas insert you have and definitely less work. My friends with wood burners can't go anywhere as they have to feed to fire every three hours, around the clock.
  • Sas1303385 Sas1303385 on Mar 26, 2015
    Check to see if the city or town code allows it. In some place once is has been converted it is not allow to be changed. I think it because of new insurance law. Always check first I hate to see waste money and nothing to show for it.