Asked on Mar 02, 2015

Under bed storage

My husband built a bed for our handicapped daughter and we keep her medical supplies under it. it becomes a eyesore if I'm not constantly stacking moving around the stuff. I would like info or suggestions on what to use under there to make it more neat yet accessible for me.
  14 answers
  • Gretchen Mercer Gretchen Mercer on Mar 02, 2015
    I have seen really nice ones made from old dresser drawers on DIY sites like this. Most add small rollers to the bottom and leave on the pulls so they can be easily rolled out and back under. Some painted; some left as they were. So many people are taking drawers out to repurpose chests and dressers...I'd imagine they might not be hard to find at a Goodwill, thrift store or yard sale. Blessings for your daughter.
    • See 2 previous
    • Jennifer Love Mendenhall Jennifer Love Mendenhall on Mar 03, 2015
      Also if you have them two rows deep under the bed, tie a rope to the ones in the back so you don't have to crawl under the bed to get to them:-)
  • Starr Durrant Starr Durrant on Mar 02, 2015
    If you don't want to do the drawer idea which is an excellent option - staple a piece of a bed skirt to your bed frame and then glue on a nice ribbon to hide the stapes then you can easily flip it up to access things. Best of luck!
  • Amlmtl Amlmtl on Mar 02, 2015
    Wine crates, attached handles, felt feet to ease sliding. Labels encourage tidiness.
    comment photo
  • Ruth wallace Ruth wallace on Mar 03, 2015
    If you have room, a tall chest of drawers. Does she have room at the end or beside her bed for a trunk or storage ottoman?
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Mar 03, 2015
    I bought a clear plastic container that fit under a bed with hinged lid, so it would opened at both ends. I found one at Big Lots several years ago.
  • Joan Joan on Mar 03, 2015
    Cheap.... Cut down a cardboard box to fit under the bed. If it is hard to slide in and out, add furniture carpet glides to the bottom.
  • Barbara Rodgers Barbara Rodgers on Mar 03, 2015
    I like the dresser drawer idea. But I would add rolling wheels to make it slide out easily. A bedskirt will get worn and dirty quickly.
  • J J on Mar 03, 2015
    not sure what kind of medical supplies but if they are sterile supplies it is not a great idea to have them stored on the floor. wall cabinets that have doors that open upward is a good idea as is the chest of drawers. you can mount the wall cabinets one under another on the wall. also getting the supplies up is not only a cleaner way to store them but will be easier on you and other care givers.
  • Linda Fraser Linda Fraser on Mar 03, 2015
    walmart sells a under bed storage bin. mine actually has wheels.
  • Alisa Alisa on Mar 04, 2015
    I was able to buy some nice plastic ones with wheels. So easy to use and fit perfectly under the bed. No dust gets in, either.
  • Karen Lemon Karen Lemon on Mar 04, 2015
    I have the same situation, except we use a day bed, set to the highest setting so there is a ton of space under the bed. Over the years we have used a wire under the bed drawer like gizmo. Then I bought a white box/drawer with wheels for under the now. I'll be honest I have done some damage to my toes on that thing! Ouch! Since you have a handy husband ask him to make some drawers at least 2 that fix under the bed that way you can save your toes. Measure your supplies and since your daughter looks young give it an inch or two for when the sizes increase. Another tip is estate sales. Why you ask? This is where I buy inexpensive bed pads, which for us eliminated those nasty blue pads. You may do more laundry, but produce less trash. Good luck, I know what your life is like
  • Thank you so much that is really helpful info. I seen on pinterest where you can turn a book shelf on its back and put wheels on each corner and add more dividers if you need more to store smaller stuff. it will be yard sale time again I will be looking for those for sure. Thanks for your help.
  • Dot M Dot M on May 31, 2015
    I have done one using a dresser drawer. Only difference is I enclosed the dresser inside of a large trash bag , When added the rope through where I removed the two nobs I also punched the holes through the bag and ran the tope through both the holes in the bag and in the drawer and knotted each rope end so can`t pull through the holes. This way everything in the drawer stays clean. I use my dresser to hold both extra slippers and shoes, takes up much less room than all the shoe boxes I was using, plus much easier to get to. But can be used for anything you want to protect from any dust and keep out of sight..