How do I attach a metal gear to PVC pipe?

My idea is to make a water fountain which water flows between the gears. The water supply would come up through the PVC pipe.

The 2 pieces I want Ideas for attaching together.

The space between. I want to use supplies around the house. Thanks!

  8 answers
  • Jeremy Hoffpauir Jeremy Hoffpauir on Apr 19, 2019

    Everything I've read states it can't be done using PVC glue. However, you can try an all purpose adhesive to see if it works such as this one:

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 19, 2019

    Do you want the water to flow between the gear and the pvc pipe? You could add 4 stainless steel(won't rust) nuts(they comes in all sizes widths) around the pvc pipe so it touches the gear in 4 places so it has something to adhere to. Take the 2 pieces to hardware store and start trying the nuts out to see which ones either 3-4 would fit between the pvc & gear. Is the fountain outside ? how hot & cold does it get where you live? contact cement, hot glue and super glue all have reasonable to good adhesion on PVC, so they can be used to glue PVC if the application is not too demanding.Some adhesives don't stick on pvc especially in severe temps. E6000 or E6800(non-yellowing insun);Gorilla 2 part epoxy Glue;JB WELD no matter which you choose you'll need to wipe-really well- the pvc pipe with rubbing alcohol to clean it so it will stick

  • William William on Apr 19, 2019

    Two part epoxy is the only solution for gluing two dissimilar materials. I prefer JB Weld.

  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Apr 20, 2019

    I'm confused about where you want the gears and what direction they will be. If it's like the last photo. You can pierce the pvc near the end so the gear overlaps the top edge. Then run wires through and wrap the gear. Or find something else to go through the pvc that will be able to support the gear and attach the gear to the supports. You could look for o-rings. Something that would slip over the pvc and thick enough to support the gear. Get a couple pinch the gear between them. That would block the water flow if you intend it to come back down the pipe but if it to cascade over the gear teeth it would help direct the stream over the gear.

  • Wandamurline Wandamurline on Apr 22, 2019

    You will need to get a threaded PVC looks like male adapter that has an increase from what looks like 1/2" PVC to probably 3/4"....glue the adapter on the PVC with PVC glue and then thread on the may need to actually measure the inside of the gear to get the proper fitting.

  • John John on Apr 22, 2019

    Use a larger diameter pipe.

  • William William on May 09, 2019

    Use a PVC coupling on the PVC pipe. Should be wide enough to take up the space in the gear. Then use two part epoxy to glue the gear to the PVC coupling.