How to make a homemade pool?

by Sarah

Hey everyone!

I've got this outdoor area that's totally underused, and I'm itching to transform it into a refreshing paradise for the summer. Now, instead of taking the easy route and buying an ordinary Intex pool, I'm looking to inject some serious style into my homemade pool project. I want it to be a head-turner, you know?

So, here's the deal: I'm wondering if there's a way to take regular old plastic pools and give them a custom makeover. Can we cover them up in some super cool and unique way to make them look one-of-a-kind? I'm counting on you to share your genius suggestions and handy tips on how I can bring my homemade pool to life.

Can't wait to hear your fantastic ideas!

Homemade pool

  14 answers
  • Janice Janice on Jul 26, 2023

    I'm sure you'll get some excellent suggestions. Can you provide the size of that the pool area will be available and also is the area concrete or pavers and are you sure the weight of the pool will not damage the current surface? Thanks for answering and I'm pondering some ideas to suggest.

    • Sarah Sarah on Jul 31, 2023

      Hi Janice, sorry for the late reply but I was on summer vacation.

      The area I can use to build my pool is 16ft x 9ft.

      I am looking forward to hearing your suggestions.

  • One way to do it is to sink the plastic pool into the ground. Do some landscaping around it for a custom look.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 26, 2023

    Marty's husband at A Stroll thru Life won awards with his Water Troff pool.

    alvanized-metal stock tanks are the ones you'll see scrolling on TikTok. When filled with chlorinated water, the metal usually has a lifespan of five to ten years. If you're looking for something that won't corrode and will last longer, choose a poly plastic option. Both usually run for about the same price.

    Here is more info

  • Annie Annie on Jul 27, 2023

    There are lots of options here that could be helpful for some inspiration! They may need to be adapted to your particular space but I'm sure you could find something that will work:

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 28, 2023

    Cover it in Mosaic tiles of your choice?

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jul 28, 2023

    I would look for ideas that please you and you think will work for your space and budget- this is your choice and here are some ideas for you there are shipping container pools you can use as well

  • Hey there, Sarah! You can check out this video for step-by-step procedure for your DIY pool. Hope this helps!

  • I've seen some great ideas, but I love the idea of sinking them into the ground a bit, like a semi inground pool...but you need a fiberglass shell for that. You can do it in the area where the lounge chair is and have the patio area decorated with rugs and furniture.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 31, 2023

    Hi Sarah, hope you had a great vacation! To make your "pool" area more appealing you could wrap the exterior of it using the roll flexible bamboo fencing available at most home improvement stores during the summer months. It has stitching along the width of it horizontally to keep the small bamboo shoots held together so you could cut it to the height needed to hide the sides of the pool and provide a more natural look. The "fencing" could also be used around some giant plastic pots filled with either flowering plants such as impatiens, vincas, etc. that the nursery says does well in your particular area and also in whatever sun/shade levels you have in that particular spot. In my area plant pots are now are sale at 30-40% of so you can pick up some good buys and with plants of vaious heights the pol will be very appealing. Add a ladder, perhaps painted in various bright colors to use as a temporary towel holder for the splasher's coming out of the pool.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 31, 2023

    I've never painted plastic pools but I have painted quite a bit of outdoor plastic furniture. I like Krylon. So if you are artistic or good with stencils, you could come up with some beautiful additions to your area. You have a great deal of potential. One thing I would do is try to find a way to hide the garden hose. My eye is drawn to it immediately. Could be the angle of the photo though.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Aug 01, 2023

    After looking at your pool area and wondering where you live in the country-your garden zone-would make a difference in what material you would use to construct your pool. We learned the hard way that plastic does not do well outside where we are in Maryland as a pool, it became brittle, cracked and broke down in 3 years, defeating the purpose. You may fare better if you are in a warm climate.

    Did you want to go deeper or make it into a wading pool, it is hard to tell from the picture?

    Something to add more interest to the pool would be led lights, that would add an array of colors. Mosaic would be a great addition too.

  • You can most definitely build up around them with a cool deck or build a hard frame around them and cover it with stone veneer. You might image search online for stock tank pools to get some inspiration.