How do I remove a stain from a claw foot tub?
This stain was left from well water after power went out, the tub has a raised design to prevent slipping. The pink color is not on the tub came from photo.
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Try Easy Off No Fume oven cleaner in the BLUE can. Works on enamel, porcelain, and fiberglass. Open windows as there are some fumes. Just spray it on, let it liwuefy, rinse well.
I always hate to suggest it but the ONLY thing that would take the calcium deposits off the bottom of my tub (and then rust stains) was The Works toilet bowl cleaner. Someone is gonna reply here and say to never use it because its toxic... And it is. Its really hard core stuff but if you've tried EVERYTHING else sometimes there's just no choice.
IRON OUT ZUD both for rust
Check this product out, developed by a pro
I just read this article, might work on your tub. I may try it for my sink.
Lime away, let sit after rubbing it in. CLR is good too. Bit to get it back to its beauty, Lowes has a kit that you can use to redo it and make it brand new again. Available in the paint dept.
Pumice Stone, I had a ring in my toilet bowl that I just couldn't get rid of no matter what. I've also used the stone on my porcelain tile to get rust mark's off.. I bought mine in grocery dept, cleaning supply section at Walmart.. Cost around $2.00 & i now keep a few extra's on hand....
Like was mention above I use a Pumice stone to clean any porcelain surface, cheap, non-toxic, works great. better than any toxic chemical
Have you tried one of those magic erasers? They really are wonderful. I clean my tubs with them all the time and it makes life so easy. Alternately, we use Dawn professional blue (yes, the dish soap) to clean bathtubs and showers. It totally gets rid of soap scum very easily. I'm not sure about stains.
I’ve had good luck with Zud as well.
Vinegar for rust.. let it soak for a while
Try Magic Eraser first. MIght do the trick. That stain is from water sitting there. If that doesn't work maybe barkeepers friend cleanser.
Try wetting the area and sprinkle powder used to clean dishes in the dishwasher. I used Cascade powder. Use plenty and let sit for several hours. May have to do it more than once.
"The Works" Get the toilet cleaner. Takes care of whole bathroom! Been in nasty well water rentals that were REALLY orange! Takes it off! $Tree and Walmart (by the 8 dollar stuff).
Try either bar keeper or Clorox clean up. Bar keeper had been off my cleaning list until recently and then discovered how much it can clean.
The stain is likely caused by minerals in your well water so I'd soak a rag in a product called C-L-R (calcium-lime-rust) remover and apply to that area. Let sit for 20-30 minutes and then rinse.
Easy off Oven Cleaner, get the one with no fumes in a blue can.
Try using WD-40.
Hi Susie, hope this helps. Two pantry staples can work in combination to clean off the rust and make your kitchen or bathroom smell lemony fresh. Make a paste using salt and enough lemon juice (bottled is fine) to get a thick consistency. Apply the paste to the rust, let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes, and then scrub it off with a scrubber sponge.
I use Easy Off in the blue can for nastry tub stains. You need to turn on your exhaust fan and open any window even though the can states is is no or low fume it can be pretty over whelming. After spraying it on close the bathroom door behind you and let it do its thing for at least half and hour.