Asked on Mar 30, 2018

How can I get dried baking soda out of carpet?

by Linnea

My cat threw up a colorful mess on my living room carpet. I used a combination of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, and while that helped, it didn't get rid of the color. So, I added baking soda. Now, I can't get the dried baking soda out of the carpet. I would very much appreciate any suggestions.

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  21 answers
  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Mar 30, 2018

    If it is actually dried baking soda and not something else, try scrubbing it with a brush, or vacuum, to break up the chunks into smaller pieces. Then vacuum that up. You can also use a meat pounder or hammer to smack it down into dust and vacuum. If it isn't just baking soda, then I suggest going back to the beginning and figure out what the cat actually threw up. There are a number of products on the market that will get rid of carpet stains. Almost all are liquid - which will dissolve the problem. Use a spot type carpet cleaner or wet-dry vac to get rid of what's left.

  • Chris Browne Chris Browne on Mar 30, 2018

    Re-wet the carpet and suck up the moisture and baking soda with a wet/dry vacuum. This may require several repeats, but it will remove the baking soda.

    • Linnea Linnea on Mar 30, 2018

      Good advice. At least there is some hope of getting rid of this mess.

  • Lana Hassell Lana Hassell on Mar 30, 2018

    Linnea, try a spray carpet cleaner, spray it on heavily and let it just stay there for a while. I keep those cleaners handy because as you know , kitties just seem to have to get rid of those hair balls on the carpet. I have had good results using those carpet cleaners. đŸ˜º

    • Linnea Linnea on Mar 30, 2018

      These solutions look promising. I will give it a try. Thanks!

  • Brooke Brooke on Mar 30, 2018

    Add a little vinegar to get it wet and turn into salt, then vacuum really well. I’ve had this problem before. Just get as much of the dried stuff off first. Use a spray bottle first and see if you can scrap some big piece off. Once it’s changed, by adding vinegar, it will never fully come up out from under the pad, but at least it won’t be on top. If you have access to a carpet cleaner it would be even better.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Mar 30, 2018

    Try to brush as much up as you can---- if you have a cat comb, that's a great tool to use. Then vacuum. If more remains, keep combing until it's all up. Then place a rag soaked in hot water on the spot until it becomes soft and then spot clean using an oxygenated cleaner like OxyClean or Awesome Orange. Keep doing this until the stain/spot is gone.

  • Chris Browne Chris Browne on Mar 30, 2018

    I used to clean carpets professionally and I can tell you with certainty, spot cleaners are a mistake. They are generally a highly concentrated soap that requires an absurd amount of time and water to completely remove from the carpet. It will ensure that every speck of dust and dirt that comes in contact with the spot, will stick to it as if it were an adhesive, if it gets wet again or when humidity is high. Most carpet that is made of synthetic fiber can handle a light bleach solution, but peroxide is caustic and should never be used unless it is highly diluted. Stomach acids from the cat can do some damage as well, if left for long. Again, most carpets made of synthetic fiber, is pretty resistant, but natural fibers are another story. The way to tell the difference between the two? Snip a few threads of fiber from a somewhat hidden area, burn it. Did it shrink up like plastic, or did it turn to ash? Ash is the natural fiber (cotton,wool,bamboo, etc.), and if it shrunk up like melted plastic, that's what it is, synthetic. No bleaching agents, or acids should be used on natural fiber. Use of lightweight oils like sewing oil or even olive oil will help to remove the stain and then you can just clean the area with a diluted soap solution to remove the oil. Good luck!

    • Yvonne Yvonne on Jan 19, 2019

      Your reply was extremely helpful. I have a huge issue which is that the cleaner used so much baking soda on my carpet that it’s sticky when dry, and if I wet it to try to clean it, it becomes slimy. How can I get the excess residue of baking soda out?? The problem I have is no longer my baby’s vomit but the whole box of baking soda the housekeeper dumped on the carpet! Thx!!

  • Chris Browne Chris Browne on Jan 21, 2019

    Please read all of this before you start!!!

    VINEGAR will react with baking soda, causing it to effervesce (bubble-up). I would recommend using about a tablespoon of white, distilled vinegar on a spot and let it sit for about 30 seconds, then flush with 1/2-1 cup of water and use a shop-vac or Rug Doctor to vacuum it up. Continue this process until it's all gone! When the vinegar stops effervescing, you will know that you have all of the baking soda up. The vinegar may smell like vinegar for a day, so rinse well, but once dry, it should smell quite fresh. The slimy feeling is like saline (a salt solution), that naturally occurs from wetting the baking soda. It will go away with repeated rinsing. Do not let water stand on carpet for more than about 5 seconds, to avoid saturating the pad. If you are in a cold (winter) climate, your furnace will do a pretty good job of drying things out, but if you are in a warmer/wetter climate, be sure to use a fan to help, and avoid any mold or mildew risk (which, by the way is another excellent reason to use vinegar). Vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial cleaning agent. Always vacuum the moisture up quickly after adding water to the spot. The baking soda will not hurt a thing, it actually stopped the cat's bile from destroying your carpet fiber, as it neutralizes acids!

    Good luck!

    • Harry McNally Harry McNally on Mar 29, 2021

      Hi Chris. Really interesting comment above. I've got two large white patches on my carpet from excess baking soda used for a tea spillage! I don't have a Rug Doctor so what is the best way to absorb the water after rinsing? Also, could I spray the vinegar rather than pouring? Conscious of the smell becoming unbearable.

  • Chris Browne Chris Browne on Mar 29, 2021

    A Shop-Vac would be the best method for extraction. Even a small one will work, and can be had for not a lot of money. But, if you can't part with the $, use towels or wash cloths. Press them into the water to absorb, do not rub!! Rubbing will un-twist the carpet fibers and cause matting.

    The vinegar smell will completely dissipate within 24 hours and leave the carpet smelling fresh, provided you thoroughly rinsed and extracted your solution.

  • I used to use baking soda to deodorize my carpets when I had pets and sometimes it got wet and gloppy and stuck. To get rid of it I let it dry completely, sometimes I left the area untouched for 24 hours. Then I took a scrub brush and scrubbed it to loosen up the gaps. Then I vacuumed it up. I often found that rewetting it just compounded the problem.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on May 15, 2021

    I had that happen to me and I used a durable brush for scrubbing, but don’t wet it just use to dry, it worked for me.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Aug 16, 2021

    Use a dry Brush

  • JACINTA JACINTA on Apr 18, 2023

    I loved everyone comments my son room has two spots with dried up baking soda on it when our dog pee on the carpet and we put baking soda down. And now it’s hard hard I need something or ideas on how to get it ip

  • JACINTA JACINTA on Apr 18, 2023

    I have a bully who doesn’t stop peeing in our house what’s a good training to get him to go outside and not in my house

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 10, 2023

    Hi Linnea, hope this helps you out.

    Using a clean mixing bowl, mix together 3 parts warm water with 1 part white vinegar. Soak a clean sponge in this solution and apply the sponge directly to the baking soda stain. Place pressure on the affected area with a dry towel. Repeat steps # 1-3 until the baking soda stain disappears.

  • Make sure it is dry and use a brush to remove it from the carpet fibers - then it should vacuum up.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Aug 12, 2023

    Hi Jacinta,

    Walk your dog frequently, that should help.

    If there is odor remaining use Nature's Miracle or Odoban, available at pet stores.

  • Janice Janice on Jun 25, 2024

    Using a stiff brush should help to redistribute the baking soda so it can be vacuumed up; if not, use a steam carpet cleaner and follow the directions.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jun 29, 2024

    Use a rubber broom or brush to loosen then vacuum

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 01, 2024

    Maybe use a wire brush or scrubbing brush?

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 05, 2024

    Hi Linnea, hope this helps you. Using a clean mixing bowl, mix together 3 parts warm water with 1 part white vinegar. Soak a clean sponge in this solution and apply the sponge directly to the baking soda stain. Place pressure on the affected area with a dry towel. Repeat steps # 1-3 until the baking soda stain disappears.