Asked on Apr 09, 2019

How is the best way to get pollen off a wood deck?

Linda Hickey
by Linda Hickey

We used a pressure washer on the wood deck to get the pollen off. As you can see it didn't get it all. Please help with a solution that can work, or does anyone have more tips on how to pressure wash a deck?

  10 answers
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Apr 09, 2019

    Hi Linda, it looks like the pollen stain has "set". I have heard that turps works really well, but I would test it on a small spot first to see what it does to the varnish/wood stain on your deck first.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Apr 09, 2019

    Use a long handle scrub brush and hot soapy Dawn water.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Apr 09, 2019

    It appears that your issues is more in the use of the washer. Use the tip with a spray that is about 3" wide. Slowly start at one end and work your way left to right. You can add white vinegar and a bit of blue Dawn. It appears your issue is mildew instead of pollen, based on the green in the photo. You might check out 30 seconds which you spray and then wash off. I think it has a bleaching agent in it but it does work well.

    Once you have the wood clean, apply set & forget outdoor. It has an inhibitor which is fantastic for keeping outdoor surfaces clean.

    • See 1 previous
    • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 09, 2019

      Pollen here in AZ it's yellow

  • Oliva Oliva on Apr 09, 2019

    Kathy has addressed the issue. Wet n' Forget applied on an overcast day when no rain is predicted will resolve the mildew, in time. Use a garden sprayer, and apply liberally.

  • Annie Annie on Apr 09, 2019

    Home Depot

  • Leah Leah on Apr 09, 2019

    Joe Max. Follow directions.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 09, 2019

    Use a long handle scrub brush and hot soapy Dawn water. May need to use bleach water to remove actual staining from it.

  • on Jun 16, 2021

    Have you tried bleach? You can spray watered down bleach on your deck. Leave it a day and pressure wash again.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Jun 16, 2021

    You can use a solution of 1/3 cup of bleach 2/3 water to help remove the mildew. Apply with brush, rinse well, and the Sun will do the rest!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 18, 2021


    Try sanding it off and then sealing the wood.