How do you clean silk flowers?

by Rhansman
  7 answers
  • Jeannette Kohout Jeannette Kohout on Feb 24, 2018

    Buy silk flower cleaner at Walmart.

  • GoddessOdd GoddessOdd on Feb 24, 2018

    One old fashioned way is to fill a pot or bowl with cornmeal, bury the flower heads completely in the meal, and gently shake back and forth...the cornmeal is supposed to absorb any greasy dirt (such as airborne particles from cooking, etc) while the friction removes the dust. You can also fill a paper bag with plenty of salt, add the plants and shake shake shake shake much as your plant will stand. (you can save the bag and reuse many times). This is also using friction to remove dust. Lots of silk flowers can be washed in cool water (do a spot test before you immerse them) by dipping first in cool water to which a small amount of gentle soap has been added (I use shampoo, it smells good and is gentle enough) and swishing, then do the same in clear water until the rinse water is clean, then dry on a towel out of direct sun.

    Finally, for very fragile flowers, commercial silk cleaners or compressed air might work, just be careful to start with the nozzle some distance from the silk, and move closer until you see how much your plant can take.

    I personally think the shampoo does the best job, and the commercial cleaners tend to leave a residue that only attracts more dust.

  • Cam23995085 Cam23995085 on Feb 24, 2018

    Put the silk flowers in a bag add a good amount of salt, shake well done

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Feb 25, 2018

    I wash mine in the sink with warm water and Dawn. I use a few silk trees, too, but I use a commercial spray on those, with a soft cloth to polish. ☺️

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Feb 25, 2018

    I have washed mine with Dawn and hung them upside-down outside to dry. Also have used the salt in the plastic bag method, it works.

  • Joan Joan on Feb 26, 2018

    Swish them around in warm water in the sink or bathtub and hang to dry.