How to clean rust on stainless steel pans?
My stainless steel pans are looking rusty these days. Any easy ways to fix this?
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Try plain white toothpaste
A good scrubbing with a Brillo pad will clean them.
a non-abrasive cleaner works, something like Bar Keeper's Friend. My kids keep leaving my Calphalon knives in the sink after they use them and I have the same issue, and this works well for me.
I would use salt and vinegar. the salt acts as an abrasive and the lemon's acidic nature will take off the rust.
I do not recommend soaking in lemon juice. It makes them worse than before.
Try a product called Iron Out. Follow the directions on the bottle. It does a great job in removing rust.
Lemon juice and baking soda.
have you tried baking soda made into a paste and use a toothbrush
Any of those or make a paste with cream of tartar and lemon.
Coca cola will remove it though
Try using a stainless steel cleaner,or use some SOS, scrub very lightly. Aloha!
Hello I like Barkeepers Friend for most dish-and cookware issues.
Clean with steel wool and protect by rubbing a bit of shortening on it, just enough to cover it.
I just use an SOS pad on my stainless steel pots and it cleans them right up. Soaking first in hot soapy water would help as well
Make a paste with baking soda and water and spread it onto the pan, best done in the sink. Let this set overnight and then in the morning scrub with the coarser side of a scrubbie sponge from the dollar store. Repeat as needed.
You can try scrubbing it with a Brill pad or plain white toothpaste.
I would first use liquid rust remover from walmart. It comes in a rust colored bottle.