Asked on Apr 25, 2016

How can I prevent ink from smudging?

I have made these but the middle one is proving difficult, I wanted to sand it to make it not so prominent but the ink smudges after days being left to dry. So I think when I come to varnish it will just streak /bleed. Does anyone know how I can protect the ink from running?
Is there o product out there .
  6 answers
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Apr 25, 2016
    Hi- If you used a paint with any kind of gloss for the letters, then the ink will not cure properly. A couple of solutions here: sand off the ink numbers and repaint that portion of the letters with the white. Then re-stencil the letters using paint instead of ink. That should dry nicely, then finish with a coat of spray poly. Another choice would be to try spraying the ink dates with the poly finish- but I am not sure if it will bleed if it is still not dry. You could try it on a separate piece of wood first. Once it was dry, you could whitewash over it with the white to lighten the letters. Good luck!
  • Phillipcardjr Phillipcardjr on Apr 25, 2016
    If you haven't already taken care of the letters, you can also dip the end of a soft towel or cloth in paint thinner , just enough to dampen it, and lightly wipe across the letters to remove them. don't rub the areas and you can preserve much of the paint underneath. This process is ideal if you did use a gloss paint.
  • B Juliana Leo B Juliana Leo on Apr 28, 2016
    If push comes to shove... a fast drying spray varnish would keep it from coming off...or remove them as mentioned about, and re-apply with acrylic paints
  • Cj Avery Cj Avery on Apr 29, 2016
    A trick I use in art, after I do a art piece I scan into printer to print or for multimedia. When you print something the ink is not waterproof, so artists use a spray a fix (not advised for around small kids, toxic if chewed on) or go buy some aquanet hairspray without oil, hold can some distance away spray lightly qiuickly, when completely dry spray with varnish. Test on your stamp ink on paper practice spray stroke you will see if not short quick stroke from distance it will smear and don't drown it either. The hair spray just seals temp to hold it or if you planning on using something else on letters later than would be solution as damp cloth will remove it. Any of ideas above are good from the others just different minds solving a problem.
    • Pauline Marinello Pauline Marinello on Apr 29, 2016
      Thank you, I did think about hairspray but was not sure if it would react with varnish. I will give this a try. Many Thanks
  • Pauline Marinello Pauline Marinello on Apr 29, 2016
    I am trying out the hairspray tip given by a reader
  • Vic C. Vic C. on Apr 29, 2016
    I personally think stamping date looked a bit "cheap" on an art so beautifully crafted. If the height of the numbering allowed is around 1.5mm, then I suggest that you buy some self-adhesive stick-on numbers, e.g. from e-bay: for a more elegant and long-lasting look. But of course before that, you need to erase/ repaint the wood to cover the original printed dates. Hope that give you another option, good luck! Vic